
luabridge / News: Recent posts

Luabridge v0.2 released

Luabridge v0.2 adds several new features and fixes many bugs. It should be much more useable than v0.1.

* Added support for registering static methods of classes
* Added support for const methods of classes, with enforced const-correctness in Lua
* Added support for properties of classes
* Increase default number of allowed function arguments to 8 (was 5)
* Cleaned up Makefile dependency generation and remove elements specific to my configuration
* Added LUA_NAME option to Makefile to allow for varying names of Lua library
* Now includes both VC7.1 and VC8 project files
* Updated Makefile and VC projects to work with Lua 5.1.2 project files from Luabinaries
* Convert test project to actual unit-testing

Posted by Nathan Reed 2007-07-30

luabridge v0.1 released

The first version of luabridge, version 0.1 (alpha), is now available for download.

Posted by Nathan Reed 2007-03-03