
LuaGnome / News: Recent posts

Project obsolete

LuaGnome has been useful, but now its end-of-life has been reached. The GIR (GObject Introspection Repository) data is now complete enough to base bindings on. This is what "lgi" does, see\). This is an elegant and efficient binding which can and should be used instead of LuaGnome.

Posted by Wolfgang Oertl 2012-04-26

Project renamed

The project has now been renamed to lua-gnome (the unix project name), and as LuaForge has announced a probable, near-future stop to code hosting, I want to move code, tracker, forums and such here sometime soon.

Posted by Wolfgang Oertl 2010-04-14

LuaForge usable again

For a while already LuaForge CVS can be written again, so as I'm a lazy person I leave the source there. Development continues...

Posted by Wolfgang Oertl 2010-02-10

Move to SourceForge

As LuaForge, where this project is currently hosted, still has a read-only source repository due to a server failure, I plan to move the source here and switch from cvs to git in the process. Maybe the forums, bug reports and so on will be found here too in the future.

Posted by Wolfgang Oertl 2009-12-04