
Adding to the calendar code

  • cbryancu

    cbryancu - 2006-12-13

    I am back with a new project.

    I would like to add inside an event listing (single date) a place to allow posting of a substaintial list of jobs for a days event. I would love to be set up to allow our members to sign themselves up for these job posts. Is this something that can be done with this calendar or would it be better to use another type of database set up?

    • Kevin Stricker

      Kevin Stricker - 2006-12-13


      You might be able to extend the calendar to do this, but it wouldn't be a trivial modification, so you may need to look for another package to accomplish that.  Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find time to devote to the project lately.

    • cbryancu

      cbryancu - 2006-12-22

      Could a button be added to the event pop up to open another pop up with the list of jobs and who is responsible for it. I have squashed the volunteer sign up as someone could then erase the whole thing. Only admin or mod will be able to edit the assignments.

      I have tried to put it all in the existing pop up, but it is not readable when printed (the format varies). It may be nice to extend the PDF function you have for the monthly view (but I am pretty new to php and sql, and that is enough until I take a real class). My thought would be to write a php module to print out the volunteer list and control editing and such. Then all that would have to be done to existing code is add a button call in the event pop=up and add to the admin area.

      Do you think that would be major work?


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