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  • Morgan Schweers

    Morgan Schweers - 2004-03-12


    I ran your program, and noticed that it doesn't adjust for splits at all...  I was a little disconcerted, and so I took the source and made the display properly split adjusted, as well as being able to display when splits happened, and what the split amount was.

    I hope this doesn't offend, but I really, really want to clean up some of that code...  There's a lot of 'obf' objects (one big function), flat formatting, and things like that.

    It's working code, and very good in its fashion, but in order to extend it, I'd need to clean it up a bunch.  I was able to 'hack in' making the whole display split adjusted, as well as the specific 'split points', but I think it's possible to abstract the design a lot more.  Any interest in letting someone do a cleanup pass on the source code, and adding in those features?

    If no, then would you be terribly angry if I imported the source into an options-oriented program I'm working on and did the source changes purely on my 'branch' of the code?  (Retaining GPL, and the original headers from your code, of course!)

    At the least, I can provide the minor diffs to recognize and display splits.  Yahoo! also recognizes dividends, and that's even more complex to recognize.  (The 'adjusted' value has a sudden delta from the split adjusted real.  You modify the split adjusted real with that until you find another change which is >0, which is another divdend, etc.)

    All this is pretty easy, but it has to be kind of hacked into the code right now.

    My own minor code is focusing on equity options, and tools to work with those, but with some management of the underlying stocks as well.  (Right now I'm trying to track down some historical options data to work with, for example.)

    Thanks muchly for the working code...!  If you want some diffs and help, I'll do what I can, but I really would start with refactoring to make things better.

    --  Morgan Schweers, CyberFOX!

    • Lars Lidgren

      Lars Lidgren - 2004-03-15

      It seems you've already made code changes! I've added you as a developer and a release technichan.
      Feel free to make changes and adding more functions as you like.

    • Ehrhardt le Grange

      Oh, yeah, the basic code is in place and it looks like the hardest part of the implementation has been done! But I have to agree with you CyberFox, its probably time to design it now ;-)
      The plan would be to make it modular by creating interfaces so that you can hide the implementation specifics of  indicators, their dialogs, logic etc  behind them, and of course try to package the classes better.

      The dialogs for the indicators becomes Views in full right and the new data they generate becomes their Models. The methods and logic that transforms raw stock data into indicators are the modules Controller. The main drawing canvas can become the main view, and to me, this all equals MVC.

      Over the weekend I installed Umbrello (a nice looking UML modeler - with flaky java support) and came up with a design that would abstract away the internals of the data(model) of the main application. The "LinkedList stockList" could be abstracted into a nice modular LtsaSeries or DrawableSeries which holds elements of type LtsaElements.

      So in short, I would certainly love to work on this project! Oops, too late, Ive stared already


    • Tinus Rautenbach

      Well you have another convert.  It is something that I have been looking for for a while but never knew where to start.  Well done on what you have so far.

      I am lloking into trying to abstract the indicators a bit, maybe give it a standard interface?  Have anyone else started on this.  I assume the latest source code is in CVS.

      Thanks for a great project.


    • Ehrhardt le Grange

      K, this project is dead... I have taken big chucks of the code here and used it as basis of a new Trading System project. We are calling it 'Kudu', if you would like to work on it e-mail me at ehrhardtl at yahoo dot com.


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