Hal - 2003-07-10

Does anyone know if there's a way to limit the number of jobs an lprng print queue will accept at any one time.

The problem I've got is with some machines I'm running as network print
servers using various Redhats and LPRng.  The windows users print to a
print queue on the 2000 server which maps to the LPR printer using
Microsofts 'Print Services for Unix'.  Problem is, that the 2k server
just hands jobs on to the Redhat print server as it gets them, and the
linux box might spool 100 of them, if you let it.  In which case windows
users will want to clear the print queue, but they can't because 2000
has already sent the jobs on to the linux box, where the users can't get
at them (easily).  So, what I'd like to be able to do is to tell the
linux box only to accept one at a time, that way the 2000 servers queue
will have all the backed up jobs in it, and users can clear the jobs as
needed from windows, according to their permissions.

Anyone got any ideas?