
Londerings / News: Recent posts

50x faster Go solver v0.3

5x5 can be solved in day with this, but this version is not yet
likely adequate to verify solution.

Also includes 3x3 proof animation (show_3x3_proof).

Additional ones solved and verified by 0.3:
win for black:
3x1, 3x2
4x1, 4x2, 4x3
5x1, 5x2, 5x3
6x2, 6x3

win for white:
2x1, 6x1

(old ones by v0.1:
win for black: 2x2, 3x3, 4x4
win for white: 1x1)

Posted by Aloril 2001-07-09

Turing machine enumeration

Turing machine simulator.
Exhaustive search of turing machines with at most N states.
Enough fast to search all machines for 1000 steps when N<=4.
Can also do exhaustive search for tape inputs with n bits.
Also random turing machine and various other things.

Posted by Aloril 2001-06-28

Over 100x faster version of Go solver v0.2

Solves 4x4 board now in 1 minute (0.1 version took about 2.5h) Verification of solution though takes about 30min Configured for solving 5x5, dunno if it can do it in sensible time... (overnight run is not enough: goes to depth 25)

Posted by Aloril 2001-06-27

Jokes converted into lateral puzzles

14 jokes have been converted into lateral puzzles:
Original jokes have been included.

Posted by Aloril 2001-06-22

Go solver for tiny boards v0.1

This release solves Go board sizes 1x1, 2x2, 3x3 and 4x4 using brute force.

Posted by Aloril 2001-06-14

Rubik cube move series inventor 0.9

This program starts from 6 basic moves (one for each side) and proceeds from there to invent move series needed to solve scrambled Rubik cubes.

Posted by Aloril 2001-05-19