
Logging framework for .NET / News: Recent posts

log4net has moved to Apache

log4net has moved to Apache. The new log4net project website is

Posted by Nicko Cadell 2004-02-21

Log4net 1.2.0 Beta8 released

Beta 8 of log4net 1.2.0 is now available for download.

For release notes and download instructions see

Posted by Nicko Cadell 2003-07-16

Log4net 1.2.0 Beta7 released

Beta 7 of log4net 1.2.0 is now available for download.

For release notes and download instructions see

Posted by Nicko Cadell 2003-05-07

Log4net 1.2.0 Beta6 released

The sixth beta of log4net 1.2.0 is now available for download.

For release notes and download instructions see

Posted by Nicko Cadell 2003-03-17

Log4net 1.2.0 Beta5 released

The fifth beta of log4net 1.2.0 is now available for download.
Download it from:

* Fixed Exception thrown when DOM Configurator called with a null
XML Element. This occurred if the .config file did not have a log4net
section defined.

* Made level lookup case insensitive.

* Prevented the Hierarchy's Threshold level from being set to null.... read more

Posted by Nicko Cadell 2002-12-21

Log4net 1.2.0 Beta4 released

The fourth beta of log4net 1.2.0 is now available for download.
Download it from:

* API documentation build with NDoc 1.1c

* Added event specific properties to the logging event object. Appenders
can add additional information to the events they are logging. The
RemotingAppender and the SMTPAppender both add a 'hostname' property to
the events. These properties can be accessed using the PatternLayout with
the %P{name} syntax.... read more

Posted by Nicko Cadell 2002-12-16

Log4net 1.2.0 Beta3 released

The third beta of log4net 1.2.0 is now available for download.

* Added log4net.Ext.Trace extension.
* Added MemoryAppender.
* Moved the Hierarchy implementation into a separate namespace.
* Refactored the DOMConfigurator and BasicConfigurator
* Replaced the DOMConfiguratorAttribute UseExecutableDomain property with UseDefaultDomain.
* A few good bug fixes!

Download it from:

Posted by Nicko Cadell 2002-09-08

Log4net 1.2.0 Beta2 released

The second beta of log4net 1.2.0 is now available for download. This release has many bug fixes since beta 1.

Download it from:

Posted by Nicko Cadell 2002-07-31

Log4net 1.2.0 Beta1 released

The first beta of log4net 1.2.0 is now available for download. This release includes new features in extensability and in distributed logging.

Download it from:

Posted by Nicko Cadell 2002-07-01

Log4net 1.1.1 released

Minor update to log4net.

Fixed bugs in the EventLogAppender
Added ConfigureAndWatch() methods to the DOMConfigurator
Added example web application

Download it from:

Posted by Nicko Cadell 2002-04-14

Log4net 1.1.0 released

A new release of log4net has been made. This release (1.1.0) supports the RTM version of the .NET Framework (1.0.3705).
Included are all the fixes and contributions from CVS. This release contains the binaries, source and new API documentation.
Download it from

Posted by Nicko Cadell 2002-03-24

First release of log4net

This initial binary release of the log4net framework represents a port of the log4j logging framework to the .NET runtime. Please see the site for more information on the framework.

While this is the first release and is a beta the quality should be high. It is a port of a mature and well tested framework. There should not be any design issues outstanding and any bugs are the result of my typos.

Posted by Nicko Cadell 2001-07-27