
locust / News: Recent posts

asearchd-1.06 released

Option UtfStorage was removed from the configuration file because we always store words in utf-8. In the source code UtfStorage is set always to be on.

Posted by locust 2007-10-25

asearchd-1.05 released

Sometimes the search daemon looses connection with the MySql daemon. To fix this problem MySql reconnect option is set to 1.

Posted by locust 2007-09-05

asearchd-1.04 released

Previous release hang when more than one keyword was used in a query. The code was modified and compiled with -O optimization level, instead of -O2 in the previous release.

Posted by locust 2007-08-27

locust-1.03 released

locust-1.03 released. Documentation updated. User Guide now includes description of the frontend options, HTML templates, error messages, and auxiliary tools.

Posted by locust 2007-08-13

User Guide added

How to configure and run locust

Posted by locust 2007-06-15

White paper "Why locust" is added

A white paper explaining ideas behind locust is added to the documentation.

Posted by locust 2007-06-08

Basic documentation submitted

"Installation Guide" and "Creating a Search Service - a Tutorial" are submitted.

Posted by locust 2007-06-06

First public release

First public release source files are available for download. Documentation is coming soon.

Posted by locust 2007-06-05

Code and documents are coming soon

Code and documents are coming soon. We need developers and test users.

Posted by locust 2007-03-22