kiran kumar - 2009-03-10

hi all,
   I downloaded locomotive for MAC (StandardRailsMar2007.dmg) and installed the package in Appliactions/My Rails . I had given given all the parameters in locomotive.yml as below
mode: development
bundle: /Applications/"My Rails"/Bundles/standardRailsMar2007.locobundle
port: 3010
runs_at_launch: 0
identifier: ProjectX

and i am trying to start the server , but it is not starting.Its giving errors

The server starts if bundle path is /Applications/MyRails/Bundles/standardRailsMar2007.locobundle and the difference is MyRails folder has space in the above.
Why the server doesnt start if folder name has spaces.Is this a bug? and how can i resolve this situtation, can any one guide me in the right direction
