
WSUS Error 800B0109

  • Ben Procter

    Ben Procter - 2013-05-03

    Hello - firstly can i say i am very impressed with this application and the documentation i have seen. However i have been going round and round in circles with this particular error - so much so that i have even uninstalled and re-installed LUP. Generated new certificate, installed that certificate as myself (local admin of the server) into the trusted root & trusted Publishers created a new update for Java 7 u21 installed the certificates into both Trusted Root & Trusted Publishers on a win 7 client machine. approved the update for that machine. I have checked the cab file to ensure the certificate serial number is the same as the certificate on the machine. The machine can see the update and tries to download it but fails. Group Policy has been set to allow the installation of Signed updates.

    anything else i should be looking at to resolve this issue?

  • Courtel

    Courtel - 2013-05-03

    Do you have reboot the computer after installing the cert ?

  • Ben Procter

    Ben Procter - 2013-05-03

    Hi Courtel - i believe i did but that may have been with an older cert - i shall try that again but believe i have rebooted.

  • Ben Procter

    Ben Procter - 2013-05-03

    Since my last update i have rebooted the client and i have also renamed the softwaredistribution folder "C:\windows\Softwaredistribution" on the client machine (please note this requires the Windows Update service to be stopped.) in hope that the client would then be rid of any stale files that could have been causing issues. Still no change - still tries to download the update and fails with the same error code.


    Last edit: Ben Procter 2013-05-03
  • Bryan Dam

    Bryan Dam - 2013-05-03

    You'll want to review the troubleshooting wiki's section on certificates. For one reason or another the certificate that update was published with is not trusted by the client.

  • Ben Procter

    Ben Procter - 2013-05-03

    Hi Bryan thanks for your post - i did a search on the forum before posting and noticed you had pointed others in the direction of the troubleshooting guide. Everything i have tried has been prompted for that guide.

    I can confirm that i do currently have the same certificates in the correct places on the server, Client and the update cab file has the same certificate serial number. i have installed the certificate into the local computer account.

    I have confirmed the certificates are the correct bit length as they are 2048

    The Group Policy setting to allow Updates published over the intranet has been set.

    Is there anything else that i should need to check to confirm the settings.

  • Bryan Dam

    Bryan Dam - 2013-07-08

    Ben, unfortunately, I don't have much to offer beyond what is written there. The only thing I can suggest is to start over by wiping out all the certificates. When you originally said "Generated new certificate" did you mean have LUP prompt to create one for you or that you created one using some other method?


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