
CalSync Always ask for proxy settings

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  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-01-26


    I'm trying to use calsync to sync my notes agenda to google.

    I then setup it, but it always ask for my proxy settings, and it doesn't work.

    My settings are correct, since I can connet with them with firefox and IE, but nothings works with calsync :(

    Can someone help me ?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-03-08


    I've found the problem :
    In the code, there is a test for "save password" setting.
    If the checkbox "save password" for proxy is not checked in settings, you cannot login to google.
    And since you can't login to google, you can't go in settings, and then you can't check the box to save password.

    I've removed this check in the code, and then calsync works.
    I've off course only made the change on my computer.

  • Milkman

    Milkman - 2011-04-14

    I have the same problem, and I don't have a Proxy. This worked for me less than a month ago, but now is popping up the proxy message when I don't even have one!?!?! Here is my log:

    04-14-2011 02:03:59.104  Running CalSync 1.7.1545
    04-14-2011 02:03:59.151  Logging in to Google Calendar
    04-14-2011 02:03:59.167  Logging in to Lotus Notes
    04-14-2011 02:03:59.167   Domino.NotesSession Created
    04-14-2011 02:03:59.464   NotesSession initialized
    04-14-2011 02:03:59.464   Retreiving specified mailfile at: lserver,mail\xxxxxx
    04-14-2011 02:04:00.245  A Google Authentication Error ocurred: Execution resulted in a redirect from
    04-14-2011 02:04:00.385   Mailfile found
    04-14-2011 02:04:00.385   LoggedIn = true
    04-14-2011 02:04:00.401   First login
    04-14-2011 02:04:00.401  Successfully logged into Notes!

  • lidsinker

    lidsinker - 2011-04-26

    @Original Poster: Can you direct me to the code that you had to change for this to work?  I'm having trouble tracking down the issue.  Thanks!

    @milkman00: This looks more like a Google Authentication issue than a CalSync issue.  Are you still having issues?

  • lidsinker

    lidsinker - 2011-04-26

    @OP: Nevermind, I found the error in the code.  The Proxy settings will now work even if the "Save Passwords" option is not set.

  • lidsinker

    lidsinker - 2011-04-26

    I uploaded a new release with this fix and few other fixes for issues in 1.7. 

    Download the latest release for the fix.  CalSync 1.7.2

  • Jouni Ahtiainen

    Jouni Ahtiainen - 2011-06-08

    I still have the same issue than OP had. I have downloaded rel 1.7.2

    It is just trying to login into google and returns to proxywindow

  • lidsinker

    lidsinker - 2011-06-08

    You are unable to login at all?  The proxy window just keeps popping up?  Does your proxy require authentication?  Or just the write proxy address?  Are you putting the IP address and port number in the proxy address field?

  • lidsinker

    lidsinker - 2011-06-08

    Also, do you have the "Save Passwords" setting checked on the General Options page?  I think there may be a bug associated with that option and the proxy login.

  • Jouni Ahtiainen

    Jouni Ahtiainen - 2011-06-08

    With the same proxy-address and port number firefox, ie, spotify works just perfect, but with this the proxy window keeps popping up. I've tried both "save passwords" checked and unchecked, no luck.

  • lidsinker

    lidsinker - 2011-06-08

    Check the "Show Verbose Log" box and paste the log data here.  I'm wondering if it's some other communications issue.

  • Jouni Ahtiainen

    Jouni Ahtiainen - 2011-06-09

    Here's the log

    06-09-2011 09:47:00.389  Running CalSync 1.7.2
    06-09-2011 09:47:00.405  Logging in to Google Calendar
    06-09-2011 09:47:00.405  Logging in to Lotus Notes
    06-09-2011 09:47:00.405   Domino.NotesSession Created
    06-09-2011 09:47:00.405   NotesSession initialized
    06-09-2011 09:47:00.405   Retreiving specified mailfile at: Local,mail\joahtia.nsf
    06-09-2011 09:47:00.405   Mailfile found
    06-09-2011 09:47:00.405   LoggedIn = true
    06-09-2011 09:47:00.405   First login
    06-09-2011 09:47:00.405  Successfully logged into Notes!
    06-09-2011 09:47:01.858  A Google Authentication Error ocurred: Execution of request failed:
    06-09-2011 09:47:01.858  Logging in to Google Calendar
    06-09-2011 09:47:05.499  A Google Authentication Error ocurred: Execution of request failed:
    06-09-2011 09:47:08.545  Running CalSync 1.7.2
    06-09-2011 09:47:08.545  Logging in to Google Calendar
    06-09-2011 09:47:08.545  Logging in to Lotus Notes
    06-09-2011 09:47:08.545   Domino.NotesSession Created
    06-09-2011 09:47:08.561   NotesSession initialized
    06-09-2011 09:47:08.561   Retreiving specified mailfile at: Local,mail\joahtia.nsf
    06-09-2011 09:47:08.561   Mailfile found
    06-09-2011 09:47:08.561   LoggedIn = true
    06-09-2011 09:47:08.561   First login
    06-09-2011 09:47:08.561  Successfully logged into Notes!
    06-09-2011 09:47:09.920  A Google Authentication Error ocurred: Execution of request failed:
    06-09-2011 09:47:09.920  Logging in to Google Calendar
    06-09-2011 09:47:11.311  A Google Authentication Error ocurred: Execution of request failed:

    After this error the proxy window pops up (two times in this log).

    If I go to browser, log in google and copy the url (in error line) into address field, I'll get a list of my google calendars.

  • lidsinker

    lidsinker - 2011-06-09

    When the screen opens that prompts for proxy credentials, does it keep the credentials from the previous attempt or do you have to type it in each time?

  • Jouni Ahtiainen

    Jouni Ahtiainen - 2011-06-10

    It keeps them (except password if the "save paswords" -option is unchecked)

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2013-02-20

    I had a similar problem except with my lotus notes password.  It started immediately after changing my LN password.  I closed calsync, deleted the settings file and restarted it.  Then changed the settings back to what I had before. 

  • jobdan

    jobdan - 2014-11-23


    I used Calsync for a few months, but since a few days it doesn't work anymore.
    After discussions with collegues, we all think that the proxy used by our company has been modified in order to not permit this software to work anymore.
    The idea was to modify the original source code in the aim of using another virtual port (something as usual like 80,..), but it is impossible to download the source code (link git recup an empty folder).
    Is it possible that someone send me the original source code please ?


    • B_CLV4

      B_CLV4 - 2014-11-24

      Hello jobdan, I don't think the proxy issue is at your company level, but at Google with the identification process, as I have the same issue at work, and at home.

  • B_CLV4

    B_CLV4 - 2014-11-24

    Hi all, same issue here for 10 days...

    Impossible to log in my Google account in CalSync, always asking for a proxy (at office or at home)

    My Google account is not 2 levels secured, and I tried CalSync v1.7.2 and v1.8.0.

    Not working.

    Please help !

  • Stef CP

    Stef CP - 2014-11-25

    Hi all,

    i have the same issue for several days too. The proxy works fine with other softwares.

    Thanks for your help.

  • Kaviraj Anandan

    Kaviraj Anandan - 2014-11-25

    Hi All,
    I am using CalSync 1.8.0, which was working fine all this while . But today, I started to see the same problem as above. A pop-up form asking for proxy setting, when I don't have any proxy set up for my internet

    I tried with CalSync 1.7.2 as well, but came across the same problem. I'm pretty sure nothing change at CalSync end, since it was working fine before this. I don't know what changed at Google end though. Would appreciate any feedback or fix :)
    Below are the logs

    11-25-2014 10:41:36.241 Running CalSync 1.7.2
    11-25-2014 10:41:36.273 Logging in to Google Calendar
    11-25-2014 10:41:36.273 Logging in to Lotus Notes
    11-25-2014 10:41:36.273 [VERBOSE] Domino.NotesSession Created
    11-25-2014 10:41:36.288 [VERBOSE] NotesSession initialized
    11-25-2014 10:41:36.288 [VERBOSE] Servername and mailfile are null
    11-25-2014 10:41:36.288 [VERBOSE] Mail database found
    11-25-2014 10:41:36.288 [VERBOSE] LoggedIn = true
    11-25-2014 10:41:36.288 [VERBOSE] First login
    11-25-2014 10:41:36.304 Successfully logged into Notes!
    11-25-2014 10:41:37.457 A Google Authentication Error ocurred: Execution of request failed:

  • michael

    michael - 2014-11-27

    ... same problem! Caused by Googles new API.

    Anyone there who can fix this?

  • Parka

    Parka - 2014-11-27

    Work is in Progress. I've already managed to adapt the code to the new Google API.
    Probably I could provide you with an updated Beta-Version, soon


    Last edit: Parka 2014-11-27
  • Kaviraj Anandan

    Kaviraj Anandan - 2014-11-28

    That is super. Thank you for looking into it :)

  • michael

    michael - 2014-12-01

    That would be great! I'am missing it ...

  • Joao

    Joao - 2014-12-01

    Hope this comes soon

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