
Make sure the Lotus dll/so/dylib directory is in your path.

  • Hajo

    Hajo - 2016-06-21

    I'm running a Mac with OSX 10.11.5 and Lotus Notes 9.0.1.
    When I try to sync, I get

    lngs.util.LngsException: There was a problem initializing the Lotus Notes thread.
    Make sure the Lotus dll/so/dylib directory is in your path.

    I've tried the different starting orders.
    The PATH includes the PATH to the /Applications/IBM file.
    I have set the JAVA_COMMAND variable

    I've tried to check with the Connectivity Test tool.
    But there I get the message "Couldn't get the mailfile name from notes.ini".

    A sudo find / -name notes.ini does not find a notes.ini file on my system.


    Last edit: Hajo 2016-06-21
  • Dean Hill

    Dean Hill - 2016-06-22

    Can you post the output from running the Connectivity Test?

    • Hajo

      Hajo - 2016-06-23

      Dean, in the meanwhile I figured out, that the Connectivity Test runs well, when I use local as server. It queries the Notes calender and ended with success.

      But running the sync, whatever server I take, results in the "Make sure the Lotus dll/so/dylib directory is in your path."

      Modified the script to echo some variables:
      echo $PATH: /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/IBM

      echo $JAVA_COMMAND: /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6.0.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/java -d32

    • Patrick Boucher

      Patrick Boucher - 2016-06-30

      Dean, I am exactly in the same situation as Hajo. Was using Awesync before but they don't do it for Mac and I don't want to run it over a VM.

      So after much reading, installing the Apple java that allowed at least for the program to open, i'm stuck with the same error altough LNconntest works beautifully and even pulls out a calendar entry. The only warning is about a Notes.ini file. See log:

      Starting Lotus Notes connectivity test.
      Application Version: 1.14.1
      OS: Mac OS X 10.11.5 x86_64
      Java: 1.6.0_65 Apple Inc.
      Java Home: /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6.0.jdk/Contents/Home
      Java Classpath: /Applications/IBM
      Java Library Path: :/Applications/IBM
      === Checking location of notes.ini.
      WARNING: A notes.ini file was not found in the Java Library Path.
      === Trying to manually load NotesThread class.
      === Initializing NotesThread.
      === Connecting to local sever without specifying a password.
      Notes version: Release 9.0.1EXT|September 15, 2015             
      Platform: Macintosh/64
      Common user name: Patrick BOUCHER
      MailFile: mail\b\ubouc3z.nsf
      MailServer: CN=OK/O=OK
      Directory: /Users/patrickboucher/Library/Application Support/IBM Notes Data
      === Connecting to sever with a password.
      Enter your Lotus Notes server; type "local" to use local server> myserver 
      Enter your Lotus Notes password> 
      === Connecting to the Lotus Notes database.
      === Querying Lotus Notes calendar.
      24 calendar documents were found.
      Here are some fields from the first calendar entry found:
      Subject: R?union d'?quipe
      Start Date(s): 2016-08-31 11:00:00
      Last Modified Date: 2016-04-19 11:35:10 EDT
      === Connectivity test was successful.

      Any other hints you can provide from this? I feel I am so darn close!

  • Dean Hill

    Dean Hill - 2016-07-04

    Hajo and Patrick,

    We should compare the LNConnTest output and LNGS output to each other. In particular compare these fields:
    Application Version
    Java Home
    Java Classpath
    Java Library Path

    If you see differences, post them here so I can see.

  • Hajo

    Hajo - 2016-07-04

    LNConnectivityTest hajo$ ./
    Starting Lotus Notes connectivity test.

    Application Version: 1.14.1
    OS: Mac OS X 10.11.5 x86_64
    Java: 1.6.0_65 Apple Inc.
    Java Home: /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6.0.jdk/Contents/Home

    Java Classpath: /Applications/IBM

    Java Library Path: :/Applications/IBM

    === Checking location of notes.ini.
    WARNING: A notes.ini file was not found in the Java Library Path.

    === Trying to manually load NotesThread class.

    === Initializing NotesThread.

    === Connecting to local sever without specifying a password.
    Notes version: Release 9.0.1EXT SHF692|April 27, 2016
    Platform: Macintosh/64
    Common user name: xxxxxxxxxx
    KeyFilename: xxxxxxxx.ID
    MailFile: xxxxxxxx.NSF
    MailServer: CN=xxxxxxx
    Directory: /Users/hajo/Library/Application Support/IBM Notes Data

    === Connecting to sever with a password.
    Enter your Lotus Notes server; type "local" to use local server> local
    Enter your Lotus Notes password>

    === Connecting to the Lotus Notes database.

    === Querying Lotus Notes calendar.
    34 calendar documents were found.
    Here are some fields from the first calendar entry found:
    Subject: Werner '59
    Start Date(s): 27.08.2012 04:00:00;27.08.2013 04:00:00;27.08.2014 04:00:00;27.08.2015 04:00:00;27.08.2016 04:00:00;27.08.2017 04:00:00;27.08.2018 04:00:00;27.08.2019 04:00:00;27.08.2020 04:00:00;27.08.2021 04:00:00
    Last Modified Date: 29.05.2015 09:44:58 CEDT

    === Connectivity test was successful.

    LNGoogleCalSync2.8 hajo$ ./
    /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6.0.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/java -d32
    Running Lotus Notes Google Calendar Sync in GUI mode...

  • Hajo

    Hajo - 2016-07-31

    From my point of view, this looks similar. Any ideas?


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