
#188 mixer: midi meters not always working

Midi (45)

I have a song where the midi meters are not working at all. When I delete a number of midi tracks I can get the remaining meters to work. Also when I start a new song the meters work. So far I could not detect a pattern in this. If you want me to do further inverstigations, let me know.

The meters on audio tracks work just fine.



  • terminator356

    terminator356 - 2010-01-06
    • assigned_to: nobody --> terminator356
  • terminator356

    terminator356 - 2010-01-06

    That's strange. Haven't seen any reports or problems with those meters.
    I can load a many-track midi song and all the meters work.
    Would you mind if I tried the song? Or try to strip the song down to
    just the offending midi tracks and then send it if you don't want to reveal
    too much of the song.
    Be aware the midi meters only 'pulse' with the music - they don't
    stay lit up if a note is held. It was a design decision.

  • Martin Drautzburg

  • Martin Drautzburg

    The problem only seems to occur when there are several tracks sending to the same midi channel as in the attached file. On track2 the (single) midi-meter does not show anything. You can get it to show track2 if you swap the two tracks in the track list.

    I believe it is somewhat a conceptual problem, because the midi-meters are per-channel and not per-track. IMHO they should either display the accumulated output of all tracks sending to that channel or they should be per-track. The latter is more appealing to me and probably less surprising to most users (but you would have to solve the per-channel setting like Var,Rev,Cho and Volume which cannot really be set for each track individually, but only for a channel)

  • terminator356

    terminator356 - 2010-01-06

    By golly you're right. No meter movement on the second track.
    Sure feels like a bug. I've a sneaky feeling it's a small piece of code
    I modified a while back. I'll get back to you. Checking...

  • terminator356

    terminator356 - 2010-01-07

    Ok, try it now. The fix is in the muse-1 svn branch.
    I can't tell you how many times I looked at those strips
    and wondered what I could do about it, but felt they were OK.
    I now realize that meters AND automation control needed to be
    per-track. So one midi strip per track now !

  • terminator356

    terminator356 - 2010-01-07
    • labels: --> Midi
    • status: open --> pending-fixed
  • Martin Drautzburg

    • status: pending-fixed --> open-fixed
  • Martin Drautzburg

    Would you be so kind to tell me the svn command?
    This is still qt3 right?

  • Robert Jonsson

    Robert Jonsson - 2010-01-09
    • status: open-fixed --> closed-fixed
  • Robert Jonsson

    Robert Jonsson - 2010-01-09

    Submitter has reported this as fixed, closing.