


Luenn's Lusternian System

This is a system I'm writing for TinTin++. The main reason for uploading it here is that I keep forgetting to back it up, and then I end up accidentally destroying data or loosing it completely. Also, it takes a lot of effort to write a system, so if I put this here then others shouldn't have to work as hard.

At the moment it's not perfect, but you can grab the source code from here if you really want to. I'll be adding a proper download link once it's working better.

I'm currently testing it on the linux distribution of TinTin++, but it should work on the windows and OSX versions as well.(Though I currently have no way to know for sure)

If for some reason you need to contact me about this, your best bet is probably in game. Alternatively, you could PM me on the forums or here

Also, don't forget to vote

To do list:

  • Complete the affliction tracking script. Currently it tries to cure afflictions it knows about, but doesn't tell you what it thinks you have.
  • Fix the way diagnose works.
  • Add in all the affliction lines. (This will probably take the longest)
    This has currently been suspended pending the completion of the affliction overhaul.
  • Update the order of the cure queue to something sensible.
  • Add Autosip/Scroll/Sparkle. (Not a high priority right now, as in game curing is not bad in this regard.)
  • Add in Automatic Deepwound Curing. (Needs to be an improvement on the in game system)
  • Add in some way to track which defences you have raised. (And more importantly, when they've been stripped.)
  • Complete the map.(Actually, this will probably take the longest)

I'm open to requests for other features, but it could take a while.