
Audio Stream Rate?

  • Frank Carotenuto

    When trying to help a friend jam on Jamulus, we found that his ping rate (~20) and overall delay (~50) were about the same as mine, but that his Audio Stream Rate was at ~365 vs. mine at ~750. Is this a problem with his computer or can something be done in settings?
    Thank you,

    • Vincenzo

      Vincenzo - 2020-12-18

      Mono vs.stereo, audio quality, network buffers: all these influence stream rate.

    • Gilgongo

      Gilgongo - 2020-12-18

      Hi Frank,

      This shouldn't be a problem unless he's got very limited bandwidth to use. The difference will be due to differing settings. More info about how bandwith works with Jamulus is explained here:

    • DonC

      DonC - 2020-12-18

      As Vincenzo says, the Audio stream rate depends on your settings.
      Open the settings window and try different combinations of the Audio Channels and Audio quality to see how that effects the Audio Stream Rate. Using Small Network Buffers also increases the Audio Stream Rate.
      Note that there is no reason why your settings must be the same as the settings of your friend.