
Empty ServerList IPv4 dependency?

  • Peter Hibbe

    Peter Hibbe - 2020-04-29

    As of today, I no longer receive a server list on two different computers PC / Mac. (No reinstallation or changes to any settings) Outer IPv4 was 91.65.99.XXX

    For a test I then activated the LTE hotspot on my cell phone (IPv4 46.114.38.XXX) and with this connection there is a server list.

    Is there a dependency ServerList <-> IPv4 ?

    It is also strange that with IPv4 = 91.65.99.XXX) the server list is displayed with the setting North America but it is not displayed with the setting Default (Europe)

  • Volker Fischer

    Volker Fischer - 2020-04-30

    Thanks for your test. There is an Issue on Github about this problem: