As of today, I no longer receive a server list on two different computers PC / Mac. (No reinstallation or changes to any settings) Outer IPv4 was 91.65.99.XXX
For a test I then activated the LTE hotspot on my cell phone (IPv4 46.114.38.XXX) and with this connection there is a server list.
Is there a dependency ServerList <-> IPv4 ?
It is also strange that with IPv4 = 91.65.99.XXX) the server list is displayed with the setting North America but it is not displayed with the setting Default (Europe)
As of today, I no longer receive a server list on two different computers PC / Mac. (No reinstallation or changes to any settings) Outer IPv4 was 91.65.99.XXX
For a test I then activated the LTE hotspot on my cell phone (IPv4 46.114.38.XXX) and with this connection there is a server list.
Is there a dependency ServerList <-> IPv4 ?
It is also strange that with IPv4 = 91.65.99.XXX) the server list is displayed with the setting North America but it is not displayed with the setting Default (Europe)
Thanks for your test. There is an Issue on Github about this problem: