
Reset of Mixer settings

  • Zyfuss

    Zyfuss - 2021-01-15

    Is there a way to reset all the Mixer settings i did? I mean, if I set a level or mute a "user" present in the mixer, those settings are mantained every time this "user" shows up in the mixer.

    I think this is mantained in a local store of the client... Please anyone can help? I need for windows, OSX and Linux clients.


    • DonC

      DonC - 2021-01-15

      Hi Zyfuss,
      Look in the "Edit" menu, "Clear all stored Solo and Mute settings", Set All Faders to New Client Level".
      Have fun,

  • Zyfuss

    Zyfuss - 2021-01-15

    I'm aware of those functions but I was thinking on how to manage the setting at the single user level.

    BTW, I've set the New Client Level at 82% but nothing seems to happen to the level of the users that join server (always 100%) and / or using the Edit Menu function (again, 100%). I'm I misunderstanding something?

    • DonC

      DonC - 2021-01-15

      Not sure I understand the problem. To reset all the users you use the functions in the Edit menu. To reset for a single user you use the buttons in the main window for the user.

      Weird that the Client level isn't working for you. I just tried it here, set the level differently in the Settings window and did a Set all users from the Edit menu and it worked. It sets all the users except yourself (don't know why), maybe that is what you are seeing.

  • Zyfuss

    Zyfuss - 2021-01-15

    About the Client Level Function... I put in the field 82% and not 82!!! Shame on me...
    About the reset of a single user... In the way you described I've to wait to be on the same server at the same time. I would like to reset single users in, let say, offline way. Or there is a way?


    Last edit: Zyfuss 2021-01-15
    • DonC

      DonC - 2021-01-15

      Hi Zyfuss,
      As far as I know this is not possible.
      The reset from the Edit window also only works on the users on the server you are currently connected to.

  • Zyfuss

    Zyfuss - 2021-01-19

    Under the "File" item of the main menu is possible to Save and load a Mixer Configuration. The content of the file is quite simple...


    An entry for each configuration stored. The storefadertagN (i changed the original content with XXXXXXXX) is an id (maybe the user unique id...). Unfortunatelly not useful to edit the configuration since is not possible to match the id with the user name we human know...