
What is the amber light located immediately above a person's slider?

Mark Allyn
  • Mark Allyn

    Mark Allyn - 2020-08-01

    I am running Verson 3.5.9 on Windows 10.
    I sometimes see a little orange light go on above a person's slider (just to the right of that person's pan knob) that seems to randomly go on and off.
    if I move that person's slider or press any of the buttons (mute, solor, grp) it does not seem to affect whether that amber light goes on or off.
    If I press the mute myself button (extremem lower left hand corner of the Jamulus main screen) it does not seem to make any difference with that light.
    During the post jam hangout session on the mani World Jam server, someone said it means they they cannot hear me. However, I checed my own audio coming back from the server it it seems okay.
    What does that light mean? Should I be concerned if it goes on above my own slider?
    Thank you
    Mark Allyn

  • DonC

    DonC - 2020-08-02

    Hi Mark,
    That indicator means that someone else has muted you.
    You have no control over it, it is just for your information.

  • Luuk

    Luuk - 2020-08-02

    the indicator also appears when you slide the fader all the way down .