
How to PLAY an mp3 on Jamulus session

  • kieran

    kieran - 2020-08-26

    Hi Gang,

    Aplologies if this is a silly question but if i'm on a jam session, is there a  way to play a mp3 also on the session (linux)?  

    I don't want to use a mic in front of a speaker or an external mixing interface. i want it to be as clear as possible. Can i create a virtual connection via jack from mp3 linux desktop player ?


    • Matt Barr

      Matt Barr - 2020-10-12

      Hi Kieran,

      It is useful to have the MP3 track connect to the server as a separate client so that each client has its own volume fader for the MP3 track. Otherwise you're dependent on the MP3 source to balance MP3 volume with some other audio source. This will also give you a separate MP3 track if you're recording from the server, and allows you to use a separate client name like Ringo for drum tracks.

      I've solved this problem by using a second PC in my home. I run a Jamulus client and media player, and use a physical cable to connect the PC media player output jack to the Jamulus client input jack. I also run VNC server on this PC so I can control it from the same PC I'm using for my Jamulus server and instrument client.

      This is by no means an elegant solution, but it is extremely easy and works very well. We use this for drum tracks and for background music when we're chatting. I find that I have a cleaner MP3 track if audio cable connections are both on the PC main board (rear of case), as opposed one or both on the front panel which tends to pick up noise in the case through internal wiring from main board to front panel. Hope this helps.


      Last edit: Matt Barr 2020-10-12
  • kieran

    kieran - 2020-09-01

    Any ideas anyone ?

  • Chris Rimple

    Chris Rimple - 2020-09-18

    You need to use a DAW or similar to play and mix the MP3 with your instrument sounds, then output all to Jamulus, likely via a Virtual Audio Driver. Your configuration would look like:

    Guitar/Mic > Audio Interface > DAW
    DAW plays MP3
    DAW mixes input + MP3 to Stereo Out
    DAW outputs to Virtual Audio Driver
    Jamulus inputs from Virtual Audio Driver

    See this doc for more...

  • Lars L

    Lars L - 2020-09-30

    But it would be lovely to have a "file player client" for Jamulus! It would only need to send to the server, not receive any audio back. Very simple UI - select file, play/pause, and connection window of course. No ASIO stuff, chat windows, etc.

    I would use this client when we play with backing tracks. Today I mix (external analog mixer) my bass audio + backing tracks into the sound card and onto Jamulus. But running the backing tracks from a separate client would mean a less complicated setup, and also that the bass and backing track ends up on separate tracks in the server recording for "post-production".

    (Is there a "formal" way to make a feature request? EDIT: I found it... :D )


    Last edit: Lars L 2020-09-30
  • Roger Jeurninck

    Roger Jeurninck - 2020-10-07

    Similar like Chris explained I do use a virtual driver as well on my Linux Mint laptop. But instead I just simply start 2 Jamulus clients: one for taking the mp3 from the virtual audio driver and the other one my guitar/mic. The mixing/muting can be done in the two clients seperately and this might improve your overall latency as well. Obviously there is a downside that you need to reconnect both if you log on to a different server

  • rolfb

    rolfb - 2021-01-17

    What i want is to play backing tracks during a Jamulus session from my notebook if the band is not complete. I installed Reaper and try to follow these instructions but they don't seem to be up to date.

    Can someone please give an actual step by step description for a noob like me how to route the notebook internal sound output to the output of the external audiointerface during a Jamulus session ? I don't have any experience with Reaper.

    Thanks in advance


    Last edit: rolfb 2021-01-17
  • Aerodrummer

    Aerodrummer - 2021-01-17

    I don’t know if I’m doing right, but I have made it like this. First I’m using 2 clients, one for my Aerodrums and the other for everything else like microphone, loops, click-track, backing-track, etc.. I’m starting my two clients like this:

    "C:\Program Files (x86)\Jamulus\jamulus.exe" --clientname PLAYBACK --inifile C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\Jamulus\JamulusPlayback.ini


    "C:\Program Files (x86)\Jamulus\jamulus.exe" --clientname LIVE --inifile C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\Jamulus\JamulusLive.ini

    Settings of Jamulus LIVE:
    ReaRoute 1 / ReaRoute 2 - (from Reaper tracks 1&2)
    ReaRoute 9 / ReaRoute 10 - (to Reaper track 10)

    Settings of Jamulus PLAYBACK:
    ReaRoute 3 / ReaRoute 4 - (from Reaper tracks 3 to 9)
    ReaRoute 7 / ReaRoute 8 - (not connected to Reaper)

    Setup of Reaper:
    Tracks 1 & 2 are going to ReaRoute 1 / ReaRoute 2 - (Inputs Jamulus LIVE)
    Folder-track 3 with tracks 4 to 9 are going to ReaRoute 3 / ReaRoute 4 - (Inputs Jamulus PLAYBACK)
    Track 10 gets it’s input from ReaRoute 9 / ReaRoute 10 and goes to Master send.

    All other track's Master sends in Reaper are disabled.

    The output settings ReaRoute 7 / ReaRoute 8 in the PLAYBACK client are going nowhere.

    Works very nice like this.


    Last edit: Aerodrummer 2021-01-18
  • rolfb

    rolfb - 2021-01-20

    Hello Aerodrummer,

    sorry for the late reply and thank you very much for explanation but this is too difficult for me to follow. The last evenings i spent hours and hours to get it working, tried several video descriptions but could not succeed.

    I expected an easier solution with the Jamulus session, my USB interface, the notebook internal sound output and Reaper "rearoute" MP3's to Jamulus.

    It is not me preferred solution but actually i play the MP3's with a mini MP3 player connected to the 2nd channel of my interface as i am the singer i do only the first channel.


    Last edit: rolfb 2021-01-20
  • Aerodrummer

    Aerodrummer - 2021-01-21

    It might sound complicated, but when you know where to put what you can do this in 5 minutes. I have made you a very simple Reaper project for 2 Jamulus clients. (“Jamulus 2 clients.rpp”)
    After having load it in Reaper you need to setup your ASIO device in Preferences (Ctrl+P).
    Next you need to setup your inputs in Track 2 & 3.
    In Track 4 you will place your mp3s. In Track 1 is what is coming back from the server.

    Setting up the clients:
    Replace YOUR-USER-NAME with your real username

    Go to the folder C:\Users\***YOUR-USER-NAME***\AppData\Roaming\Jamulus and make 2 copies of Jamulus.ini and name them JamulusClient1.ini and JamulusClient2.ini

    You need also to make two copies from the Jamulus shortcut (start icon) on your desktop and name them Jamulus Client 1 and Jamulus Client 2. Do a right click on each one, choose "Propriétés" (I don't know what it's called in English) and replace the line

    "C:\Program Files (x86)\Jamulus\jamulus.exe" with

    "C:\Program Files (x86)\Jamulus\jamulus.exe" --clientname Client1 --inifile C:\Users\***YOUR-USER-NAME***\AppData\Roaming\Jamulus\JamulusClient1.ini 

    for Client 1 and

    "C:\Program Files (x86)\Jamulus\jamulus.exe" --clientname Client2 --inifile C:\Users\***YOUR-USER-NAME***\AppData\Roaming\Jamulus\JamulusClient2.ini

    for Client 2.

    As last step you need to setup the devices in the two Jamulus clients.
    Double click the Jamulus Client 1 shortcut, go to Settings and put this:

    ReaRoute 1 / ReaRoute 2
    ReaRoute 9 / ReaRoute 10

    After do the same with the Jamulus Client 2 shortcut, go to Settings and put this:

    ReaRoute 3 / ReaRoute 4
    ReaRoute 7 / ReaRoute 8

    Thats it!

    Reaper track 2 and 3 should go to client 1, and Reaper track 4 should go to client 2. What is coming back from the server goes in track 1.


    Last edit: Aerodrummer 2021-01-21
  • rolfb

    rolfb - 2021-01-22

    Hello Aerodrummer,

    i appreciate your work and effort but i am close to give up. I made copies of the Ini's and shortcuts, modified them as described, changed the settings of the two sessions and startup reaper, checked that the ASIO drive is selected and opened your project...nothing.

    I don't know if there is anything wrong in the project settings but the rest is correctly set up, i checked several times and i am pretty sure.

    Q1: You have defined 2 inputs but as the singer i do only use one, my microphone, right ?
    Q2: Can i delete track2 in this case ?
    Q3: The MP3 is set up as an output on track4, correct ?
    Q4: Do i have to set or check any settings or do i have to press any button in reaper ?

    I am a total Reaper noob, frankly spoken i don't think it will get my friend as i will never use it as a DAW. I do only need it to play the backings in Jamulus.

  • Aerodrummer

    Aerodrummer - 2021-01-22

    Don’t give up, there is nearly always a solution. First, are you sure having installed ReaRoute? It’s not something which installs automatically with Reaper, you have to activate an option whilst installing. Have you done this?

    Q1: Yes
    Q2: 2 or 3
    Q3: Track 4 is used to play a media file → Reaper menu → Insert → Media file
    Q4: Not really, but you need at least to “arm” (click on the red button over FX) your microphone input. Do you see a signal (VU meter) when you speak in your microphone?

    • Aerodrummer

      Aerodrummer - 2021-01-22

      In my example I’ve deleted track 3, so track 4 becomes track 3! Can you verify you have this in your routings ?


      Last edit: Aerodrummer 2021-01-22
  • rolfb

    rolfb - 2021-01-22

    Hello Aerodrummer,

    did it like you mention. Yes, ReaRoute is installed. VU meter of microphone is acting but still no sound output in the headphones. Inserted MP3 as media file within Reaper and sound in the headphones while connected to a Jamulus session. If playin in Reaper it chops, plays a second...stops...plays a second and so on.

    Seems to be a performance problem ? but it is an Intel i5 with 8GB ram and nothing else working except Jamulus Client, Server and Reaper.

    Any suggestion what to check else ?

  • Aerodrummer

    Aerodrummer - 2021-01-22

    We need to verify things one by one. I don’t know if it’s necessary, but I’m starting Reaper in first for making sure ReaRoute is initialized.

    Start by closing everything. After start just Reaper
    I suppose you have deleted track 3 like I’ve done. Do you have verified the routings in reaper?
    Track 1 goes to Master send
    Track 2 goes to ReaRoute 1 / 2 with master send deactivated
    Track 3 goes to ReaRoute 3 / 4 with master send deactivated

    Input track 1 - ReaRoute 9 /10
    Input track 2 - Your microphone
    Just monitoring for track 3
    Recording activated for track 1 and 2 !

    After start only the first client (this one where you have ReaRoute 1 / 2 as input and ReaRoute 9 / 10 as output). After you need to connect to a server. I suggest you connect to your own server. Just start your Jamulus server and connect your first client to the server address

    One time connected you should see your microphone acting in Reaper but also in your first Jamulus client. The sound should come back to Reaper’s 1st track (if you have selected ReaRoute 9 / 10 as input source and lifted the volume in the mixer)

    Before going on I’ll wait for your answer.

  • rolfb

    rolfb - 2021-01-23

    Hello Aerodrummer,

    i will try in the next week and will reply. This evening i do virtually meet with some friends for a blues jam. Just in case that we need to hear in a song before we play it, i have prepared my tiny MP3 player and do connect it with the headphones output to the 2nd input of my audio interface. That's not the solution i prefer but the most easiest and reliable one... :-)

    @LarsL: did you place your idea for a "file player" in Jamulus as feature request ? I followed the link but there are so many requests that i couldn't find it.

    • Lars L

      Lars L - 2021-01-26

      @rolfb - no, I never got around to do that... Sometimes you have a great idea, and then suddenly "life" catches up with you... :o Feel free to do it (adding your own "twist") if you like!

      On your original question - can't you connect the laptop internal sound output to the second channel of your interface? The same cable that today comes from the mp3 player, but plugged into "phones / line out" jack of the laptop... Or am I missing something? (The ReaRoute solution seems very nice, but perhaps it's a bit complex to get running..)

      • Aerodrummer

        Aerodrummer - 2021-01-27

        I would be surprised if this could work, I don’t think Windows allows you to use 2 sound-cards in the same time. At least without using Voicemeeter (and Jack), and then you wouldn’t need the cable!
        I have tested the three solutions (I know) Voicemeeter, Jack Audio and Reaper. Voicemeeter is nice, but the sound gets bad after some time (on my computer), so I cannot recommend. Jack and Reaper are working very well in this situation, but Reaper is more easy to use.

        • Lars L

          Lars L - 2021-01-27

          I've done exactly that. Windows use my external audio interface for Jamulus (with ASIO), and at the same time the built-in soundcard was feeding one channel on my mixer (whose output was fed into the external audio interface). Windows can absolutely cope with multiple audio devices. The "issue" could be that not all software allows you to choose the device, but rather always uses system default device.

          • Aerodrummer

            Aerodrummer - 2021-01-27

            OK you are right, if you can configure the routing this might work, and I didn’t say Windows cannot. But in general my purely subjective opinion is to avoid hard-wiring of inputs and outputs.

  • rolfb

    rolfb - 2021-01-28

    I have to apologize but at the moment I do not find time to deal with this topic. First we need to make sure that to have stable conditions while jamming.

  • nick b

    nick b - 2021-01-29

    It maybe lower tech, but for simplicity and more performance than a DAW (but in Linux only perhaps?) I just:

    • Use Carla to route my Jack-compatible audio player to Jamulus stereo sinks (or mono if you're in mono I guess) with Carla
    • ...and disconnect it from my main sink to avoid local echoes
    • select an output volume I'm happy with in the player (the low-tech "mixing"...)
    • play along...