
Private Server

  • John McNamara

    John McNamara - 2021-01-23

    Hi All I my son has setup Jamulus on Google Cloud server for me and it works very well. When put the ip address in the connection tab in Jamulus the session starts no problem low latency, however it shows in the public area, is there a way I can switch this to fully private

  • Aerodrummer

    Aerodrummer - 2021-01-23

    You need to remove -e (--centralserver) and -o (--serverinfo) options in your start script.


    Last edit: Aerodrummer 2021-01-23
    • John McNamara

      John McNamara - 2021-01-30

      Hi Just wanted to say thanks for the tip worked first time. sorry for not thanking you earlier not been on line for a week or so

  • Rob Atkinson

    Rob Atkinson - 2021-01-25

    Hello all, new here, and my last resort it seems to trying to figure out "why" I cannot make a private sever connect. I can register my server, and no problems there. I can run privately and connect myself, but no one else can connect...says TRYING TO CONNECT. What I've done:
    Enabled Port Forwarding of UDP 22123-22125 to my local machine running the server, on my modem.
    Ensured My Windows Defender had an inbound entry to allow outside in.
    Shut down Windows Defender entirely.
    Called my SP to confirm they "do not" block this port from coming in.
    Tried the DMZ luck.
    Rebooted everything multiple times after every luck.
    * Tried the "check open ports" applications, and it always says my port is blocked....but I can't figure out "where" it's blocked. Server was running, I was connected, port forwarding is setup on router.....mine doesn't son's does...same type of config on port 443 for his Homeassistant.

    I'm out of options to check. Anyone have any ideas on something I may have missed?
    Thanks for your time.

    • DonC

      DonC - 2021-01-26

      Hi Rob,
      Although it looks like you have done what is necessary, I would go through the server trouble shooter again.
      Be sure to check that you are using the right IP address and port.
      Note that your system could be changing the port number. I would connect as public and then use the Jamulus Explorer to find the IP and port of your system.
      Good luck,

  • Rob Atkinson

    Rob Atkinson - 2021-01-27

    Thanks Don......I've read, and re-read all of that stuff. I even had a collegue (who works for the phone company) send me packets on my WAN address and port 22124 and I was able to successfully see them coming in using WireShark (sniffer)...even saw him connect for a short time. He confirmed that all is working on this end, and there's no reason he can see why is should not work from outside. I can connect locally, and my bandmate can connect to a public server, but not to my private one. I did notice that when I connect locally using, the port it assigns me on the server is 22175, and not 22124. Might this be the "changing the port number" you are referring to? If that's the case, should I be telling my bandmate to try and connect to WAN:22175? I cannot test locally, so I need to have someone "outside" my house test this. I might find a stranger somewhere to give it whirl, just to see.
    Any other suggestions?

    • Aerodrummer

      Aerodrummer - 2021-01-27

      Client ports and server ports aren’t the same. When you start your server in GUI mode without fixing a port and you connect a client to your local loop-back address ( you will see in your server it’s client port will be 22175 for the first, 22176 for the second, 22177 for the third …

      How did you setup your Windows firewall?
      This is what had worked for me:


      Last edit: Aerodrummer 2021-01-27
      • Aerodrummer

        Aerodrummer - 2021-01-27

        When you say you can connect locally, is it from the same computer, or from another computer in your local network? If it’s not the latter, could you try to connect from another computer in your home-network to the local address (this one which starts with 192.168.x.x) of your server and the port you have chosen?

        And I didn’t understand, if you are registering your server as a public server, can anyone connect to it, and do you see each other / play together? If this works you can try what DonC said, go to and find your server’s address and port.

        You could also try to run JamulusOS as server.

      • Rob Atkinson

        Rob Atkinson - 2021-01-27

        Thank you Aerodrummer...that explains it....all working now as noted "was" working, just didn't have a good way to test it, apart from my band-mate, where the problem seems to be. :) thanks....

  • DonC

    DonC - 2021-01-27

    Yes, try using the port 22175. Did you look with the Jamulus Explorer when connected as public?
    There you can see both the IP and port to use. Send me a PM with your IP and I can try it for you.

  • Rob Atkinson

    Rob Atkinson - 2021-01-27

    Hey Don, thanks a million for all your help, but I finally got it to was working the whole time. I asked a stranger on a public site if they would mind testing it out with me, since I cannot do it inside my own network, and he connected with no problems at all. Turns out the problem must be on the side of my band-mate. He's in a rural area, and has satellite service....not the best for connecting I know, but it was working publicly, since he's not too far from me. So there must be something perhaps his provider may be blocking.

    One way around it, I've been told is to start up a "public" server, have him find the server in the server list, connect to that server (as he's done), and then I can un-check the make public box, which will remove the server from the list, and we will be private.

    In the end, still haven't found a way to make the P2P connection working for him, but perhaps this other work around my solve the problem. Thanks for all your help....much appreciated.