
Server capacity

  • Simon Tomlinson

    Simon Tomlinson - 2020-06-01

    Hi Volker/Peter, etc.

    I think I may have found a limit within Jamulus or perhaps the server I was running worldjam on. I've just bought a new virtual dedicated server at it's 4 core @ 2.5Ghz burstable to 5 with 8GB RAM and 200GB SSD. On saturday after the world jam everyone went into one room that is on this server. I did have other jamulus servers running on this server but they would have been asleep. When number of people reach about 28 to 30, the server began to die, overall delays for everyone jump to 500 and the audio was jumpy like a broken record. I logged onto the server and did top and indeed jamulus process was consuming 100% of all 4 cores. I didn't check ram or HD, but I assume that being at 100% cpu was the problem. When numbers of people left and it went down to 25, the audio recovered and server went down to around 80% utilisation which was fine for the rest of the night.

    I'm going to set my limit of my server now to 25 people max on a server, but I know jamulus can go up to 50. What kind of spec server do you think would be required to get 50 people all on a room at once?


  • Volker Fischer

    Volker Fischer - 2020-06-01

    I had a similar experience with my virtual server. With 20 connected clients the CPU was about 80 %. So I guess more than 25 is not possible with my server either.
    In the forums you read about successful sessions with more than 30 clients but I do not know what hardware was used for the Jamulus server.

    • Jim Mooy

      Jim Mooy - 2020-06-02

      Volker, thank you for your work on this software. I don't know if you realise it, but the fate of music education is dependent on Jamulus. Jack and other platforms have worked on connecting a few users at distances of 100 km or more, but with the pandemic, music teachers need 60-80 clients withing a 20 mile radius connecting to a local server. It seems that no one is even considering the educational needs of music students during this pandemic. I am trying to find a way to get my 70 piece orchestra to connect and play to a server I built from an i7, 16GB, SSD Win 10 machine. If that doesn't work I've got a Linux box at school that is even better. I will be stress testing the servers over the next several weeks and let you know the results. Please include me in any testing for which you require additional clients. Cheers!

      • Gilgongo

        Gilgongo - 2020-06-06

        I am trying to find a way to get my 70 piece orchestra to connect and play to a server

        Jamulus currently only supports up to 50 connections (it defaults to 10, you need to use the --numchannels option to increase that). If you want to go higher than that you will need to compile Jamulus with a higher channel limit.

        Note also that it's not just server memory and CPU that will be an issue, but bandwidth. More information on that here, but note that you cannot control the amount of bandwidth used if clients set their quality setttings higher/lower.