
Help with Config for Private Server on Linux

  • Kenny

    Kenny - 2020-07-14

    I set up a server on my Linux desktop and can connect to it with a client on the same machine. I would like to make this available outside my firewall and have set up port forwarding. I've turned off the firewall on my machine but still can't connect to it from the outside. I suspect the issue is in my server config file for the service.

    I have the defaults in the executable. What do I need to change?

    ExecStart=/bin/bash -c '/usr/bin/jamulus -s -n --servername $(uname -n) -l /var/log/jamulus -e -g -o "$(uname -n);;"'

  • Brian Pratt

    Brian Pratt - 2020-07-14

    As you have made it public (-e option) no port forwarding is needed. But you should check that -e argument, that's an old URL. Should have a genre as part of its name.

  • Brian Pratt

    Brian Pratt - 2020-07-14

    If you actually want it to be private, remove the -e argument and give your friend your external IP address, they will type that in instead of a server name.

  • Kenny

    Kenny - 2020-07-14


    ExecStart=/bin/bash -c '/usr/bin/jamulus -s -n --servername $(uname -n) -l /var/log/jamulus -g -o "$(uname -n);;"'

    • Gilgongo

      Gilgongo - 2020-07-14

      Woth a check perhaps:

      Also, before running it as a private server it's best to check if it's turning up as a public server OK here:

      Oh, and your router may not allow you to connect to your public address from inside your LAN, so you may think it's not visible when in fact it is. Ask a friend (or us) to connect.


      Last edit: Gilgongo 2020-07-14
      • Kenny

        Kenny - 2020-07-14

        My Public IP is same as the one the WAN status reports, so I think I'm good there. I need to put a client on another machine and test from the outside, which will be my next step. I though you may be right about the router not allowing the public IP from inside my LAN, but I did port forward SSH (port 22) and was able to connect using DDNS and the Public IP. From another machine on the network. Something about 22124 and UDP seems off, although I port forwarded the same way:

  • Brian Pratt

    Brian Pratt - 2020-07-14

    Looks fine from here - not sure you even need -o (but if you do, you probably want to provide all values to eliminate any chance of that being the weirdness).

    If your friend still can't see it, then it's almost certainly a firewall issue on your end. If you can connect on the local network then the firewall issue is at your router, not at the server.

  • Kenny

    Kenny - 2020-07-18

    Update from here. I finally got some time to connect via a Windows client, tethered to my phone, with a Public IP different than my internal network. It worked. @Gilgongo was right :-)