
Setting up my own private, cloud-based Jamulus server

  • Alice JamSpace

    Alice JamSpace - 2020-11-11

    I've used Jamulus in public mode several times recently and I feel the need to open my own private server.
    I created a community of amateur musicians, called JamSpace, and the server would let them rehearse while France is under lockdown and the whole Covid situation lasts.

    I'd like the server to be cloud-based (AWS, Azure...?) as it will be used by several bands at different times of the day.
    I'm not super tech savvy myself, and though I found a lot of documentation of setting up a private server on my own machine, I didn't find any clear guides on setting this up on a cloud-based server.

    Which servers are best? Amazon, Microsoft, any other options? Most of the musicians who will be using it are based in Paris.
    What is a reasonable price for these cloud-based servers?
    Are there any tuturials explaining how to set up a private cloud-based Jamulus server?
    Anybody would feel like helping me setting this up?

    Thanks in advance!

  • scofra

    scofra - 2020-11-11

    Hi Alice,

    I found and followed this excellent guide by Simon Tomlinson:

    Simon's guide is based on a relatively new Amazon Web Service product called Lightsail. The least expensive option, which is apparently sufficient for Jamulus use, is listed at $3.50/month.

    From what I've seen so far, Lightsail can be optimized for use around the world (through region selection &/or CDN services), has the ability to connect additional storage, and has an upgrade path to AWS' fuller-functioned option, EC2.

    I'm not expert in any of this (and I just started using Jamulus), but I found Simon's guide very clear and easy to follow.

    Best luck!

    • Alice JamSpace

      Alice JamSpace - 2020-11-11

      Thanks a lot! I've found this guide everywhere but can't seem to access it, can you? I though it was expired or something like that.
      Is there any chance you could take screenshots of it or save it and send it here?


  • scofra

    scofra - 2020-11-11

    Weird that link didn't work; but glad you got to the right page! Feel free to reach out with any questions. Best,

  • Marv Zauderer

    Marv Zauderer - 2020-11-21

    C4 has a great video showing how you can set up a Jamulus server on Google Cloud Platform in about 10 minutes. I found this to be true, and also Google gives a $300 credit upon startup.