

  • Christian Saether

    I just got a Behringer UCA222 per recommendation on this site. I believe I saw that there was a driver to enable ASIO access for it. The Behringer site just takes me to ASIO4ALL. Is that right?

    In the ASIO setup dialog, I am unable to select it as input (see attached screenshot). I disabled system sounds, to no effect.

    Surely this is something stupid, but I'm stuck for now. Thanks for any help.

    • Luuk

      Luuk - 2020-04-15

      Sorry to say, but the advice to buy the UCA222 was a bad one.
      They should have advice you an interface with native asio drivers .
      A very good and inexpensive audio device (with native ASIO) is a Behringer UMC202HD!!


      Last edit: Luuk 2020-04-15
      • Volker Fischer

        Volker Fischer - 2020-04-15

        Have you tried this page: (See the post just below yours)

        • aquamarine

          aquamarine - 2020-05-07

          I have been unable to get the UCA222 to work - I tried the drivers at - Still no luck - Now I can't use the interface at all because the port was blocked by drivers at!! I uninstalled those drivers but the usb ports are still blocked - any ideas on how to unblock the ports so I can keep trying to get the interface to work?
          --next day --> problem solved with device manager


          Last edit: aquamarine 2020-05-09
      • Gilgongo

        Gilgongo - 2020-04-15

        That's weird - I'm using a UCA222 (which apparently is exactly the same as the UCA202 which has been reported multiple times here to be fine with Jamulus) and it was just plug and play for me - no problems.

        Here's what my ASIO setup looks like. I have to admit I don't really understand how ASIO interacts with the hardware exactly though, so why it should look so different to yours I don't know.

        • Luuk

          Luuk - 2020-04-15

          Believe me, with good native asio drivers you're getting much better performance.
          If you are a bassplayer or drummer, you know what I mean, with ASIO4ALL you will never play in time with the rest of the musicians.

          • Gilgongo

            Gilgongo - 2020-04-16

            Yes, although I've not tested that exactly, I run Jamulus on Linux with Jack when I play (and I'm a drummer) as using my Windows machine is more laggy I find. Maybe the new 3.5.0 vesion with the 64 samples config will work better (once enough servers start running 3.5.0 with -F).

  • Christian Saether

    Searching again I found a video with a dropbox link to a driver and that resolves it. Very odd to not find it on the Behringer site, however.

  • Peter Hibbe

    Peter Hibbe - 2020-04-07

    Here is a link with the drivers for everyone with the same problem:

    • Christian Saether

      Thanks for posting the link. The place I found it was on somebody's dropbox, so did not post that.

      Heads up that installing it involves a sequence of plugging, unplugging, and rebooting. I ended up needed a few extra reboots before everything behaved, but it was worth it.

  • punshon

    punshon - 2020-04-16

    It is important to understand that the hardware recommendation itself (UCA222) is quite ok and on Linux or Mac it works well. On Windows you have two choices - the ASIO4ALL driver which works ok but not great, or the native driver which Behringer withdrew support for a while ago, and therefore removed from their download section.

    • Luuk

      Luuk - 2020-05-13

      Yes, that's correct interpretation.