
The server Genre Classical/Folk/Choral appears to be down

  • DonC

    DonC - 2020-12-28

    As the subject says, the server Genre Classical/Folk/Choral appears to be down, at least the last 10 minutes.

  • DonC

    DonC - 2020-12-28

    Very strange, now I get a response using the Jamulus Explorer, but nothing in the connect window of Jamulus.
    (The other central servers are working fine)

    • Gilgongo

      Gilgongo - 2020-12-28

      I sometimes see this happen - I think it's just UDP networking issues and my ISP or something.

      • DonC

        DonC - 2020-12-28

        Ok, now, more than an hour later, all is working again.
        I guess you are right.
        But it would be stupid if just at that time we had planned to play together and couldn't connect.

        • Gilgongo

          Gilgongo - 2020-12-28

          Yes, it does seem random. No idea what causes it.

  • VE3MEO

    VE3MEO - 2021-01-21

    Over a period of a couple of hours while remotely assisting someone getting set up on Jamulus, the list for Genre Classical/Folk/Choral has been empty at their end but not for any other category nor at me end. For another of our choral members, it has been empty for weeks. And I believe a third one has not seen it for a while but he is a very occasional user.

    What I don't understand is why this would happen if all categories are on the same server. Or does each category have its own server? If the latter, it could be an Internet routing issue.

    • Peter L Jones

      Peter L Jones - 2021-01-21

      Rock, Jazz and Classical/Folk/Choral are all on one physical machine. I've checked on and all three lists show correctly. That implies the problem is local to the user, rather than to the list server. is a useful resource and always worth checking in cases like this.


      Last edit: Peter L Jones 2021-01-21
      • DonC

        DonC - 2021-01-21

        I have to say that I have been watching the Classical/Folk/Choral server in comparison to the other servers (as my server is there, of course) .
        Even if they are on the same physical machine, the Classical instance is pretty flaky.
        At last once a day I see extreme slowness, missing servers, sometimes not ping times and towns. These problems I almost never see on the other servers.
        There is strangeness on that server (also seen on the explorer at times).

        • Peter L Jones

          Peter L Jones - 2021-01-22

          Ping times are generated by your the client, of course - if it's listing a server with no ping it means the server list sees the server but your client can't. There's nothing the server list can do to fix that.

          • DonC

            DonC - 2021-01-22

            Agreed, but that is not the main problem. The problem is that the response of the server is very slow if at all. As the servers Jazz, Rock and Classical are all on the same physical machine they should be responding alike, but they don't.

            • Peter L Jones

              Peter L Jones - 2021-01-22

              The server list for Classical is about three times the size of Jazz and Rock. As the client has to contact each server in the list return before fully populating, it will take longer.

              Try running with --showallservers and turn off "Show All Musicians". When I do this, all three lists are returned in a fraction of a second. These are the numbers of servers I see per list right now - obviously the numbers will change if people stop their servers.
              Rock: 63
              Jazz: 57
              Classical/Folk/Choral: 150 (full!)

              Also, can anyone else comment on whether they are seeing a significant difference in timing?


              Last edit: Peter L Jones 2021-01-22
  • Peter L Jones

    Peter L Jones - 2021-01-22

    The only other factor is that the server lists get restarted when the machine is restarted and then it takes about 15 minutes for the servers on those lists to re-register. I generally update the machine whenever there's security patch.

    But sometimes I need to test changes - including ones that affect the server lists, which I'm about to do... That can mean the lists get restarted multiple times.

    "It should just work..."
