
3.4.7 Windows Software Warning

  • TenMile

    TenMile - 2020-04-13

    Hey all - installed the latest version 3.4.7 and Windows 10 spits out a warning that the software is not signed. Had to click on the Advanced tab and do the "Proceed at your own Risk" install. Buddy has a corporate machine with Symantec running, and it won't let him install the software at all. Any chance that could get resolved?

  • Gronaz

    Gronaz - 2020-04-13

    Yes, you can check/change the code, build/compile it yourself then either trust yourself .... or pay M$ for they certify it. One other way is to ask the corporate admins to add an exception in Symantec (whitelist Jamulus).


    Last edit: Gronaz 2020-04-13
  • Victor Rajewski

    Victor Rajewski - 2020-05-03

    I'm trying to get some less-techy people in my orchestra started in this, and the warning is a big turn-off (both for Windows and Mac).

    Is the code signed at all? From what I understand, a normally-signed piece of software will show that message until it has built up some reputation from many people installing it, which I would have thought might have happened by now. This shouldn't cost any money (ref:

    Similar issue with Mac, but I don't know how Mac app validation works.

    Another thought might be to list the app in the relevant app stores for a nominal amount ($1) and use this to cover costs of dev account and/or development work, and make them free once costs are covered. That way, people who want some 'trust' can get it, while those who want it for free can as well.

    • Gilgongo

      Gilgongo - 2020-05-03

      I'm trying to get some less-techy people in my orchestra started in this, and the warning is a big turn-off (both for Windows and Mac).

      Jamulus has been a very small project until now, and has only in the last couple of months seen a large uptake, so it's not really been an issue until now. You will need to ask people to override the warning if they can for now until the developers join the relevant operating system validation schemes.

  • Gronaz

    Gronaz - 2020-07-14

    Or just run the bootable USB Jamulus Linux stick a great guy built for us here