
Separate Sounds on Right and Left

  • shesakillatwo

    shesakillatwo - 2020-07-07

    Hey, I am a bass player and my band is just startig to use Jamullus to Reheaarse. Most of us play an instrument and sing. I have also started recording the sessions on the server. For those of us with stereo inputs can we place our instrument on one side and our voice on the other and result with two seperate channels in the recording with for example my Bass on the Left and my Voice on the right? If so, what will those using Mono or Mono in/Stereo Out hear when we are playing?

    • Gilgongo

      Gilgongo - 2020-07-11

      Mono and Stereo modes use one and two audio channels respectively.

      Mono-in/Stereo-out: The audio signal sent to the server is mono but the return signal is stereo. This is useful if the sound card has the instrument on one input channel and the microphone on the other. In that case the two input signals can be mixed to one mono channel but the server mix is heard in stereo.

  • shesakillatwo

    shesakillatwo - 2020-07-11

    OK. Kinda what I expected. Was hoping there was a way to send two Mono Channels (R & L) to the server and have it return those with bothe sent to R & L. This way we could capture two seperate mono tracks recorded on the server but folks listening live would here both separate channels on R & L in the return. This would enable two tracks to record but a mix that did not separate them to R & L when actually playing live. Might be a good enhancement???


    Last edit: shesakillatwo 2020-07-11
    • Gilgongo

      Gilgongo - 2020-07-11

      Not sure I understand, but it sounds interesting!

    • Al Udell

      Al Udell - 2020-07-13

      If you run 2 simultaneous Jamulus client sessions connected to the same server, you can put instrument and vocals on separate channels. In one session, hard-pan your instrument R-50. In the second session, hard-pan your vocal L-50. You and all your bandmates would use mono-in/stereo-out mode and set channel pans to desired positions.

  • Gronaz

    Gronaz - 2020-07-12

    ... but the server mix is heard in stereo.
    Hi Gilgongo, does this mean that 1) the mono upload data also contains flags on network packets to reroute the instrument on one channel and the microphone to the other channel (I wonder when this reroute happens: just before the server sends back or just after the packets reach the clients network input)? Or do you mean that 2) the mixed mono signal will reach identically both L&R channels on all band mates (even the uploader, who, from the POV of any client network input, is not different), and instead, when we use (send) pure mono, this one will play only on left channel at receivers side (as always, we are one of them)? This requires each time an understanding effort and interpretation, e.g. the sentence
    This is useful if the sound card has the instrument on one input channel and the microphone on the other.
    that I can understand only figuring it is about the sound card of a remote musician.

    What is confusing here, is in="send" & out="return" (your very words which are the same as User Guide). Because in fact Jamulus is a 4in/4out software (yes: 2 inputs from me (sound card analog INs) and 2 network inputs from the band (from the server), and 2 outputs to me (let's say LINE OUT on the sound-card) and 2 other outputs to the network band through the server), I beleive we'd need a more self explicative GUI (on some controls in the Settings pannel, either tool-tips* or more precise labels, eg. Enable small network buffers should state send or receive or both; same for Audio Quality setting.

    * : while writing I find back an old display issue I have with Jamulus GUI where toolips won't show correctly (white text on pale yellow backgroud - I'll check this against Ubuntu 16.04 theme) but trying in another machine they seem the same as User Manual, but localized.

    • Gilgongo

      Gilgongo - 2020-07-12

      I'm afraid I don't undertand what the underlying problem is that you're tying to solve by explaining the send/receive issue. To make it simpler for me, can you give an example of a mistake a user might make if they didn't have the information you are describing?

      BTW I can reproduce that tooltip issue too on Ubuntu Gnome but is seems intermittent.

  • Gronaz

    Gronaz - 2020-07-12

    In Mono mode I had the sound only in left ear. After switching to Stereo I saw the slider was set full Left. After setting it to Center then switched back to Mono, I got the sound in both ears (v3.5.9git).

    • Al Udell

      Al Udell - 2020-07-13

      That sounds like expected bahavior. If you set your first channel pan to hard left for example, it will stay there regardless of whether you switch to mono, mono-in/stereo-out, or stereo mode. If you use an INI file, you can find the channel pan values stored like this:
