
Forced resize cause ugly movies

Amr Hamdy
  • Amr Hamdy

    Amr Hamdy - 2008-01-17

    I've some movies with resolution of 1280x1024 .. Those are screen capturing that I recorded with recordmydesktop ... when I open and work with them on LiVES everything is fine ... but when I try to save them, as ogg/theora or some other codecs, it tells me that it needs to resize due to restrictions in codec format, I don't check then box which tells "check the box to resize" , but the resulting movie is resized which makes it ugly ...
    The only way to get this fixed is by editing the file and changing 4:3 aspect to 5:4 when aspect option "2" is selected ... but this is a stupid way to solve it I think ..

    • Salsaman

      Salsaman - 2008-01-25

      You can change /usr/share/lives/plugins/encoders/multi_encoder, line 364, to:

             specs = '|8|%s,%s,%s|ogg|' % (hb, vb, sr)

      This should remove the apsect ratio requirement for ogg theora. I've done the same in CVS, since ogg doesn't really need an aspect ratio setting.

      • Amr Hamdy

        Amr Hamdy - 2008-01-25

        Thanks for kind help :)..

        It's live 363 you mean? which currently has the following;

        specs = '|8|%s,%s,%s,%s|ogg|' % (ar, hb, vb, sr)


        Also, why the theora encoder is not officially included with the multi_encoder like other encoders?

    • Salsaman

      Salsaman - 2008-01-25

      Hmmm...actually there is more to this fix than just the line above, there is also a -a setting in the theora_encoder. I will have to discuss this with Marco when he returns from vacation.

      • Salsaman.

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