
XAxisSeriesIndex in Graph Settings

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I found XAxisSeriesIndex in the Graph Settings file, but it does not seem to do anything. It seems like it is there to default which data series becomes the x-axis when XAxisType is set to XAxisDataValSimple. But this always defaults back to 0 if you open the program again.

    Is this a bug or am I using it wrong?

    • Greg Paperin

      Greg Paperin - 2008-04-16

      This seems to be a bug, you are right.
      If, after the application is completely loaded, the settings are re-loaded, then it works.
      Maybe this is because at the time when the settings from the last time are loaded, the data file is not yet loaded and there is no series 1 etc. Anyway, this must be fixed.
      We had a few weeks work done on LiveGraph recently, but now we are stuck for time again :((


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