
View last 5 seconds of data -

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Is there a way to continuously view the last 5 seconds of data?  This is what my data set looks like:

    Seconds          Value#1         Value#2
    64.991226    0.000083    0.089193
    64.991425    0.002095    0.081348
    64.991623    0.000727    0.083883

    IOW, I'd like to be able to change my sampling resolution, and always see the last 5 seconds worth of data (if I measure samples at 1 per second or 1000 per second).

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      So far, what I've found as a temporary solution is to tell my measurement software to output 100 samples per second, which will result in 5 seconds of history.  However, it'd be nice if I could get more resolution than 500, since I can grow the graph window quite a ways horizontally (much greater than 500 pixels).


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