
LiveGraph Plot Accuracy

  • Rottweiler

    Rottweiler - 2012-05-08

    I'm using LiveGraph in real-time to view key parameters from a GPS engine. I've noticed that the traces in the plot window do not accurately reflect what is in the data file? For example, I have a discrete parameter that goes from logic '0' to logic '1'. The data set is timestamped with a variable that is stepped at 0.02s (50Hz). Here is a sample of the data set: 4.96,0.0  4.98,0.0  5.0,1.0 5.2,1.0. This transition from 0 to 1 is shown on the plot to occur @ 4.9 and end @ 5.2. I'm using the data highlight feature to read the plot values but the graph is shown at the wrong values as well so its not just the data highlight feature getting it wrong. However, I created a file that just had those extracted data sets above and the graph and data highlight feature is all correct. So it appears that livegraph's plotting window is interpolating the data to some degree and getting it wrong? This really makes livegraph a good 'quick look' tool but with regards to doing any real analysing and comparing of data traces in any detail, a bit of a non starter? You guys should crack on with this as it could be a great tool!!

  • Rottweiler

    Rottweiler - 2012-05-08

    I've noticed that the data point values are shown with the 'x' symbol in the plot window when the plotter and highlight feature gets it all correct. I assume this is indicating that no interpolation is present? When the data file is much larger and I've had to adjust the graph settings to view only the 'time window' I'm interested in the 'x' symbols are removed which suggests the real values are no longer being used and interpolation is in effect?


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