
gigedit pitching

  • Bogdan Lapko

    Bogdan Lapko - 2011-10-03

    Sorry , my english is very very bad
    Thank you for You - I like linuxsampler.
    But my problem is create - form -  temperament meantone (naturall pitch scalling from reinessance epoke).:
    Note Frequency Ratio Deviation from Equal Tempered
    C 1/1              0 cent
    C# 25/24       - 29.328 cent
    D 9/8             + 3.910 cent
    Eb 6/5           + 15.641 cent
    E **5/4          - 13.686 cent
    F 4/3              - 1.955 cent
    F# 25/18       - 31.283 cent
    G 3/2             + 1.955 cent
    G# 8/5          + 13.686 cent
    A 5/3             - 15.641 cent
    Bb 9/5          + 17.596 cent
    B 15/8           - 11.731 cent
    C 2/1             0 cent
    Problem in gigedit: only 49 to 50 cent (fine tune in pitch) a whole number - for example not 13.686 cent (0,???)
    If many problem compiling for You? For example: 0,one cent - is good.   Cool very goodding -   0,three cent.
    Scalling temperament is functionality in open source software in linux, for example: aeolus (organ emulator) and musescore (score editor, now very cool in freeware software).
    Short, because my english is bad….
    Thank you


  • Bogdan Lapko

    Bogdan Lapko - 2011-10-04

    o sorry
    Temperament in table not meantone - this is pure temperament


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