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Welcome to LinuxonAndroid's Wiki

For info about Linuxonandroid see here
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Areas of LinuxonAndroid's Wiki

This wiki is split into a range of areas to help you find the information you need, from rooting to cool ways to use LinuxonAndroid the wiki has it all!

*[Complete Manual] - This is a complete user manual for the app itself (how to use the different features within the app) as well as the guides to installing the Linux distros

*[General FAQ] - For all FAQ pages

*[Rooting Guides] - LinuxonAndroid requires root so here is a library of rooting methods for devices

*[Uses for LinuxonAndroid] - Guides on how to use LinuxonAndroid for a whole host of things

*[Changelog] - Changelogs for the apps/scripts/images (also found within the app)

*[Supported Distros] - A outline of all distros we support (with links to there respective wiki pages)

*[Desktop Environments] - A brief overview of supported desktop environments

*[Building Guides] - Guides to building your own images to be used with our app and scripts


Wiki: Building Guides
Wiki: Changelog
Wiki: Complete Manual
Wiki: Desktop Environments
Wiki: General FAQ
Wiki: Rooting Guides
Wiki: Supported Distros
Wiki: Uses for LinuxonAndroid


  • Paul Wehr

    Paul Wehr - 2012-08-02

    The ubuntu.img has filesystem errors:

    When downloading "" (md5sum aa4380bf10c6d429c7fee47bb4ec63c4), then:

    [bash]> unzip
    inflating: ubuntu.img
    extracting: ubuntu.img.md5

    [bash]> md5sum -c ubuntu.img.md5
    ubuntu.img: OK

    [bash]> e2fsck -f ubuntu.img
    e2fsck 1.41.12 (17-May-2010)
    Pass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes
    Inode 34804, i_size is 0, should be 4096. Fix<y>? yes

    Inode 213115, i_blocks is 136, should be 104. Fix<y>? yes

    Inode 213116, i_blocks is 128, should be 104. Fix<y>? yes

    Inode 213118, i_blocks is 144, should be 104. Fix<y>? yes

    Pass 2: Checking directory structure
    Missing '.' in directory inode 33699.
    Fix<y>? yes

    Setting filetype for entry '.' in ... (33699) to 2.
    Missing '..' in directory inode 33699.
    Fix<y>? yes

    Setting filetype for entry '..' in ... (33699) to 2.
    Entry '' in /usr/share/help/C/??? (34804) has an incorrect filetype (was 1, should be 7).
    Fix<y>? yes

    Entry '' in /usr/share/help/C/??? (34804) has an incorrect filetype (was 1, should be 7).
    Fix<y>? yes

    Missing '.' in directory inode 213053.
    Fix<y>? yes

    Setting filetype for entry '.' in ... (213053) to 2.
    Missing '..' in directory inode 213053.


    p.s. I'd create a ticket for this, but don't seem to have permission.

  • Dejan Lazic

    Dejan Lazic - 2013-06-30

    Hi , I need help to run ubuntu on my lenovo a660.
    Can anyone help me,

  • Jared Allard

    Jared Allard - 2013-12-12

    mysql-server-5.5 on Debian Testing and Ubuntu cannot install, this is due too mysql-server-5.5 looking for group net, instead of the default 3003 group. See mysql-server-5.5 (Debian) bug: #731809


    Last edit: Jared Allard 2013-12-12

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