

  • nectufine

    nectufine - 2007-10-31

    I would like to utilize this program on a sun UltraSPARC platform. I currently have 19 sun systems running Ubuntu linux and would like to know if it would be possible to get this system up and running.


    • Michael England

      Michael England - 2007-11-01

      I guess that depends on what you want to do with the software.  Theoretically everything should work (although I don't have a sparc box to test) with the exception of remote imaging.  The PXE environment is built from x86/x64 binaries which won't run on a sparc system.  It is also likely that even with proper binaries there may be complications in the deployment of file based images as things like disk formatting may have some slight nuances.

      In order to use any of this code you will have to run from source (interpreted) which means you will need some extra TCL packages (page 4/5 of the manual).  Let me know if this suits your needs and I can help you get the program running through TCL.


    • nectufine

      nectufine - 2007-11-01

      First off, thank you for your quick response.

      The sun systems are all identical systems which have been procured by my local community college. We are currently attempting to set up the beowulf cluster and have had many obstacles that we have overcome already.

      My biggest question would be is if there is any architecture specific commands that are utilized within the program.

      Finally, I was having some issues retrieving the source code from sourceforge. I was unable to download it on the main site and utilizing CVS. I'm sure I can figure out eventually how to do it but I would like to know that the code is there and is readily available.

      Thank you again,

      • Michael England

        Michael England - 2007-11-02

        The code itself doesn't execute anything that is architecture specific.  Information is generally gathered through /proc although things like netstat, ifconfig, and currently hwinfo are also used (nothing special).  Even throughout the imaging process there isn't anything that would tie the code to a specific architecture, assuming there is nothing special Linux has to do with the hardware, everything should work.

        The RPMs might give you some trouble as they have the x86 stamp on them, not sure if you can force them or not.  Alternatively The core file will also get software running without any of the PXE boot software (which won't work anyway).  If monitoring is the focus, and you are interested, I can also send you a pre-release of the new code.  It is in a respectable state and does a bit more (Memory, Disk) and cleans up a bunch of code.

        Let me know,


        • nectufine

          nectufine - 2007-11-02

          I'll have to see how far I can get compiling and running the base software before I get too far into anything else. I have intermittent access to the sun systems and, therefore, it will take me awhile to come up with any further issues. Before I attempted to run the program I wanted to know if it would even be possible and how I could go about it. Both my questions have been answered thus far.

          Thank you again for all your help.



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