
DarwinPSK Slow AFC

  • Ichiro Hieda

    Ichiro Hieda - 2004-09-27

    Hi, Volker and PSK folks,

    I made a DX QSO by LinPSK on Fedora Core 2 (x86). That was my first non-windows PSK31 QSO ;) Thank you for the great works!

    On the other hand, DarwinPSK has a bit of problem. The response of AFC seems too slow. I called CQ this evening and a S9 station replied to me. I couldn't copy his/her callsign because AFC didn't lock the signal. What a pity!

    Isn't it great that DarwinPSK detected PCI serial card (KeySpan SX Pro) of my G4 Graphite and enabled PTT!

    • Volker Schroer

      Volker Schroer - 2004-09-27

      There is a trade off between the stability of the afc if it had locked in and the quickness of the afc.

      Did  you had afc wide activated.

      On the other side you should click very near to the signal in the spectrum window. The ( normal ) afc has only a range of 12 Hz in bpsk

      Volker, DL1KSV


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