
Could not see images...

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Dear bzrudi,

    I have a strange problem with your software..
    I could not see images after uploading them..

    php was compiled as:
    ./configure' '--with-mysql' '--with-apxs=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs' '--enable-exif' '--with-gd' '--with-zlib-dir=/usr/include' '--with-jpeg-dir=../jpeg-6b' '

    and it says there are no problems with it... could you suggest something?

    • bzrudi

      bzrudi - 2004-03-31


      check file permissions, the must be readable by the user the "webserver" runs at. (apache/wwwrun/nobody, whatever. If this doesn't work please give some more exactly info...

      cheer bzrudi

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I just changed the permissions to linpha directory to 777... meaning anybody can do whatever he wants.. do it doesn't work...


      Yellowdog linux 3.0.1 (based on debian)
      php 4.3.5
      apache 1.3.29
      linpha 0.9.3

      /home/www/linpha rwx by everybody

      i had also another problem in the file management section but i managed by editing /plugins/ftp/includes/

      and modifing 25 and 31 lines




      do not know if this can affect this problem i have now but i had this problem also before..

      ps = do you need to know anything else?

      thank you very much,


      • bzrudi

        bzrudi - 2004-03-31

        Hi topperz,

        sorry, I have to make it a bit clearer ;-). You should have checked the filepermissions of the images and the folder in the albums dir...
        Also, please have look at the apache logs and PHP logs for errors...

        cheers bzrudi

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I changed the permissions into the linpha directory to:

      777 so everybody can rwx

      Yellow Dog linux on an Apple Xserve
      Apache 1.3.29
      php 4.3.5
      linpha 0.9.3

      I also had a problem the file management section which i resolved with:

      Tell me what other information do you need

      Thank you very much,


    • Nobody/Anonymous


      finally I managed showing little jpeg images not using Imagemagick, I edited the linpha table "linpha_config" putting use_convert to 0, and GD works! i can se images and do whatever I want....

      so the problem is ImageMagick....!
      but there i a problem, i have to deal with ivery big tiffs and jpegs, and GD says that it cannot support them, do you suggest anything on how can i manage to have imagemagick working??

      Thank you very much!


      • Anonymous

        Anonymous - 2004-04-01

        which version of imagemagick are you using?
        try to upgrade to the latest version

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I'm using the lastest version.... =)

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Thanks I solved the problem by recompiling ImageMagick with X support...

      Hope this helps for future guyz who will incounter the same problem I had!

      Thanks BZRUDI for your great application! =)))



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