
MySQL Not enabled in PHP config (php.ini)

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Could someone please tell me how I can enable mysql in my php.ini?

    My path is /etc/php4/apache2/php.ini but I do not know what I shoud enable. Wich parameters do I have to "enable" ?

    Thanks in advance!

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      make sure you have uncommented
      and i think that about does it

      restart apache
      apachetl graceful

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Did it but nothing happens!

      The Installer still says, nothing added to php.ini! Sql installe dan running fine. Does the installer need any User or rights or whatever?

      • Anonymous

        Anonymous - 2006-05-12

        you need to restart your webserver after changing php.ini


    • midi24

      midi24 - 2006-09-01

      I found after a couple of tries the error on my system in the apache2 error logs.

      apache was looking for in /usr/lib/php but there was only the directory /usr/lib/php5

      so i added a symbolic link and it worked:
      ln -s php5 php
      then I restarted apache2 with:
      rcapache2 restart

      and it works fine ... good luck!


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