
Install went fine, but can't see index page

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Hi All

    I've just installed linpha 0.9.2 on a Unix server. The install went fine, but it tried to return me to the "index.php" page, which resulted in a 404 error. It seems the index page is named "indexx.php" so I renamed it to "index.php" and reloaded. The page showed up, but doesn't have any content other than the logo, title bar, left menu bar and the flower graphic. No text, except in the top right corner: "1, 1" with a pair of brackets beneath which seem to be a link to the login page.

    The login page is also blank, apart from the login boxes, a Linux spanner-and-screwdriver graphic and three "+" signs, one below the other.

    What went wrong?


    Peter Wardley-Repen

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Hmmm. When I looked at the source of the page, I noticed that the LANG attribute in the HTML tag was empty. Further investigation revealed that header.php contained the statement:-


      the $lang variable was "English" and the file it was calling was lang.english.php. All I did was change the filename to lang.English.php and it worked.

      Probably a very bad hack on my part, and the original fault is probably there still, but what the heck, I'm up and running. Except for one little thing, which I'm about to post a separate thread on...




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