
File management page is FUBBed

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Hi again...

    When I click the "File Management" menu item on the Admin page, I get a looooooong page of gibberish (PHP, presumably) beginning:

    ' characters) $default['VIEWER_HTML_COLORS_TAG'] = '#808080'; // HTML tag name ( eg. BODY ) $default['VIEWER_HTML_COLORS_TAGNAME'] = '#0000FF'; // HTML parameter name ( eg. WIDTH ) $default['VIEWER_HTML_COLORS_PARNAME'] = '#000080'; // HTML parameter value ( eg. "100%" ) $default['VIEWER_HTML_COLORS_PARVALUE'] = '#800000'; // ------------ FILE UPLOADER ------------------------------------------------- // defines how much file inputs to show when uploading a file $default['UPLOAD_NUMBER_OF_FILE_CONTROLS'] = 5; // applications offered to run upon...

    ...and ending with *many* iterations of:

    # Invalid argument supplied for foreach()NL
    # Use of undefined constant AMP - assumed 'AMP'NL
    # Use of undefined constant AMP - assumed 'AMP'NL
    # Use of undefined constant AMP - assumed 'AMP'NL
    # Use of undefined constant SP - assumed 'SP'NL
    # Use of undefined constant SP - assumed 'SP'NL


    # Use of undefined constant SP - assumed 'SP'NL
    # Use of undefined constant NL - assumed 'NL'NL
    # Use of undefined constant NL - assumed 'NL'NL
    # Use of undefined constant NL - assumed 'NL'NL
    # Use of undefined constant NL - assumed 'NL'NL
    # Use of undefined constant NL - assumed 'NL'NL
    # Use of undefined constant NL - assumed 'NL'NL
    # Use of undefined constant NL - assumed 'NL'NL
    # Use of undefined constant NL - assumed 'NL'NL

    followed by what looks to be the file upload page (?), with all the filenames blank and NL and SP dotted all over the place. The SPs seem to be replacing some kind of file icon, and the NLs look to be some kind of separator in the text menus between the "rename", "delete" etc buttons.

    Que pasa?

    And while I'm here, is there a way to change the default directory? It only seems to list the contents of Linpha's root directory. Or is that part of the bit that's all effed up?

    TIA (again)

    Peter Wardley-Repen

    • bzrudi

      bzrudi - 2004-04-24

      Hi Peter,

      please configure your php.ini to stop display of notices and warnings. i.e. (E_NOTICE/E_WARNING)

      cheers bzrudi


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