
UTF folder names?

  • Klaus Vink Slott

    + LinpHA version = LinPHA Version 1.0beta3
    + Operating System = Linux SuSE 9.2
    + Database type/version = mysqld  Ver 4.0.21
    + GDlib/Imagemagick = ImageMagick-6.0.7-4.4

    I have resently upgraded my system to SuSE 9.2 and therefore changed all folder names to UTF8.  As I access/manage my picture foldes from other SW I prefer to keep it that way.

    Is there some setting in LinPHA/PHP/Apache to make folder names apper correctly?

    Se example at
    The second folder is named Ugerlse (with a danish ø )
    Regards Klaus

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2005-02-26

      if i change the charset in my browser to utf8 the folder name are displayed correctly

      to make this automatically you can try to change the default charset in the file functions/image.php in the function html_header()
      but i also heard that you need to change apache/php settings to change the charset correctly

      greets flo

      • Klaus Vink Slott

        Yes if I manualy force the browser to utf, folder names appear correctly. But all other danish text was then f..... up

        I then found the meta for charset in html_header() is controlled from the lang/lang.Danish.php This file is mostly translated to Danish but in another charset. I converted this file to UTF-8 and changed the header meta variable to UTF-8. Now almost everything works nicely :-)

        • Anonymous

          Anonymous - 2005-03-15

          thank you for this info
          what do you have execatly changed in the file lang.Danish.php? if you have changed the special danish signs into html entities it would be nice if you could send us this file

          maybe we need to create files with different charsets in future...

          greets flo

          • Klaus Vink Slott

            Well.. The file is only partly translated to Danish and I was planning to go over the rest of it before submitting this version. Actually I did not insert any special html codes to display Danish characters, as they are included in UTF8.
            But I probably wont get get the rest of the stuff translated in the near future, so you are welcome to  fetch my current version at
            Please note: All credits must go to Tage Madsen who did the most of the hard work. I only converted to UTF and sorted out some minor quirks in the translation.
            Klaus Vink Slott

            • Anonymous

              Anonymous - 2005-03-30

              thank you very much
              i replaced our language file with your file

              if you continue translating the file, please always take the latest cvs file

              greets flo

        • Nobody/Anonymous

          Very useful tip, didn't expect to solve this issue so easy.
          Also must had a lucky search/find.

          Changed the value in lang/lang.MYLANG.php

          Bye, thanks


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