
Double set of thumnail pictures

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Have installed the program - everything is fine! But some of the thumbnails appear twice!
    For me it seems like this is the pictures uploaded by a Apple OSX system!
    I have checked the folder on my Redhat server - and there is it only one instance of the picture.
    I have deleted the folder - and uploaded the pics form a PC insted = same result.
    I have regenerated the thumnails - still there is two tumbnails of the pictures.
    Have anybody else had this problem - is it a easy way to fix it?

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2005-01-30

      i know  a problem where thumbnails apear twice

      i you have a folder structure where a folder contains the same name at beginning like this:


      in test all thumbnails will show up twice because there

      this failure is caused by the design of linpha and cannot be easily solved

      but there could other reasons to cause this problem

      open the database table linpha_photos and look if there are the double photos too

      greets flo

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Thank you very much for the prompte answer.
      You were correct.
      I changed the name for the folder - and then everything worked very well.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Can you be more specific regrading the Flaw in Design? What does the name of the folder have to do with this?


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