
Error while creating thumbnail

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    When i click on an thumbnail to view larger image, i received this report. Please help me resolve this issue.

    Error while creating image albums/5.Anh minh hoa bai viet/web 2.jpg! Return Value: 127
    convert -quality 75 -size "300x297" "albums/5.Anh minh hoa bai viet/web 2.jpg"[0] -resize "300x297" +profile "*" -colorspace RGB "/tmp/web 2.jpg_9b22f315f199218531649824987c1480_1.jpg"

    /tmp/web 2.jpg_9b22f315f199218531649824987c1480_1.jpg

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2006-12-21

      i think you have a problem with your imagemagick installation

      if you have access to the console (ssh maybe) change to the linpha directory and execute the command
      convert -quality 75 -size "300x297" "albums/5.Anh minh hoa bai viet/web 2.jpg"[0] -resize "300x297" +profile "*" -colorspace RGB "/tmp/web 2.jpg_9b22f315f199218531649824987c1480_1.jpg"

      maybe then you will get a better error message

      or alternatively disable imagemagick and use the gdlib to create the images
      (change use_convert to 0 in the database table linpha_config)


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I had the same problem. I was unable to see any picture and thumbnail.
      System is OpenSuse 10.2.
      Disabling imagemagic helped me.


      • bzrudi

        bzrudi - 2007-01-12

        Hi there,

        I just did a qick test using openSUSE 10.2 in a virtual machine and imagemagick without any problem ;-)

        cheers bzrudi

    • Nobody/Anonymous


      i can see a similar problem on my SuSE 10.2 box:

      Error while creating image ../../albums/2006/Feuerwerk_Nachlese/img_0894.jpg! Return Value: 1
      convert -quality 100 -font ../.."/plugins/watermark/font/FreeSerifItalic.ttf" -size 2000x20 xc:none -fill "darkgrey" -draw "rectangle 0,0,2000,20" -gravity center -pointsize 20 -stroke white -strokewidth 1 -draw "text 0,0 '(C)'" -gaussian 0x3 -stroke none -fill black -draw "text 0,0 '(C)'" miff:- | composite -quality 75 -size "256x384" -dissolve 75% -gravity south -geometry +0+0 -type TruecolorMatte "-" \( "../../albums/2006/Feuerwerk_Nachlese/img_0894.jpg"[0] -resize "256x384" \) +profile "*" -colorspace RGB "../../sql/cache/9/44119-75-384-256--1.jpg"


      When I execute this commandline directly, I can see this strange error:

      marvin:/srv/www/linpha/plugins/cache # pwd

      marvin:/srv/www/linpha/plugins/cache # convert -quality 100 -font ../.."/plugins/watermark/font/FreeSerifItalic.ttf" -size 2000x20 xc:none -fill "darkgrey" -draw "rectangle 0,0,2000,20" -gravity center -pointsize 20 -stroke white -strokewidth 1 -draw "text 0,0 '(C)'" -gaussian 0x3 -stroke none -fill black -draw "text 0,0 '(C)'" miff:- | composite -quality 75 -size "256x384" -dissolve 75% -gravity south -geometry +0+0 -type TruecolorMatte "-" \( "../../albums/2006/Feuerwerk_Nachlese/img_0894.jpg"[0] -resize "256x384" \) +profile "*" -colorspace RGB "../../sql/cache/9/44119-75-384-256--1.jpg"
      composite: no decode delegate for this image format `create_cached_images.php'.
      composite: no decode delegate for this image format `func.cache.php'.

      linpha 1.3.0

      I can see the thumbnails, but if I want to create cache file or see the large version of a picture I cannot see anything. I looks like that with 10.2 something changed, with 10.1 everything worked fine ...

      Thanks for your support,

      • Anonymous

        Anonymous - 2007-02-20

        if you disable the watermark plugin, there is no problem anymore, right?

        bzrudi: there are still +profile "*" in func.watermark.php


      • Anonymous

        Anonymous - 2007-02-20

        i just fixed it now
        you can replace the file linpha/plugins/watermark/func.watermark.php with the file available here:\*checkout*/linpha/linpha/plugins/watermark/func.watermark.php


        • Nobody/Anonymous

          @flo: okay, this work perfect. Thank you very much !!

          Ciao ciao,

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      ... somethin additional: in error logfile of apache (/var/log/apache2/error_log I can see pages of this:

      composite: no decode delegate for this image format `ChangeLog'.
      composite: no decode delegate for this image format `create_all_thumbs.php'.
      composite: no decode delegate for this image format `footer.php'.
      composite: no decode delegate for this image format `get_thumbs.php'.
      composite: no decode delegate for this image format `get_thumbs_on_fly.php'.
      composite: no decode delegate for this image format `header.php'.
      composite: no decode delegate for this image format `index.php'.
      composite: no decode delegate for this image format `index.php_'.
      composite: no decode delegate for this image format `info.php'.
      composite: no decode delegate for this image format `linpha.webprj'.
      composite: no decode delegate for this image format `login.php'.
      composite: no decode delegate for this image format `logout.php'.
      composite: no decode delegate for this image format `maps_view.php'.
      composite: no decode delegate for this image format `new_images.php'.
      composite: no decode delegate for this image format `README'.
      composite: no decode delegate for this image format `search.php'.
      composite: no decode delegate for this image format `verify.php'.
      composite: no decode delegate for this image format `viewer.php'.

      Any idea ?

      Ciao ciao,

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      @flo: Yesssssssss, deactivating watermark plugin fixed the problem. Thanks a lot :-)

      Ciao ciao,


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