
Video playback failes

  • kemo

    kemo - 2005-09-07

    I have a problem with playing video files. I know that it was working without problems some months ago. I did some uprage of CVS and apache meanwhile.
    Nowadays when I try to play video files the internet browser hangs no metter if it is firefox or internet explorer. Even when I try to download video files without playing it first, just 2 000 000 bytes is downloaded and then it finishes. It should not be caused by any limits because can download 10MB of zipped photos without any problem.
    I use Apache 2.0.54, php 5.0.4 and Linpha from CVS source. For image conversion is used ImageMagick.

    Does anybody have a clue what to do with it?

    • kemo

      kemo - 2005-09-08

      I see I have somehow missed the information that Linpha is switching into media player from quicktime player in the 1.0 release. That is the problem. With older version of img_view_class.php it works... my mistake

      • Anonymous

        Anonymous - 2005-09-15

        you are able to watch the trailers on ?

        try also a different browser

        greets flo

        • kemo

          kemo - 2005-09-15

          Movies from different sources are played without any problem. I have tried different browser and computers and on all of them browser just hangs when I try to play the video.
          I think it has something to do with web server configuration because I have even tried clean Linpha configuration...

    • kemo

      kemo - 2005-09-16

      When I try to play the demoI I just get the information that required sound codec is not found, it doesn't freeze the browser.
      Please try it on your own:

      • Anonymous

        Anonymous - 2005-09-17

        but is it really true that it did work with quicktime before?
        your video has a xvid codec, and as far as i now quicktime wasn't able to play such videos...? (that was the reason why we switched to mplayer)

        another hint:
        it could be the slow internet connection
        is your client where you try to watch videos on the same network (where it should be much faster) ?

        on the link you posted, i can't watch the videos
        but if i download it and copy it into my linpha, it works without problem
        so it must something be with your server installation

        greets flo

        • kemo

          kemo - 2005-09-17

          Yes I was able to play quicktime files before. I did some recoding recently so that is the reason. I found out the problem after trying to play recoded files.
          It is not dependant on internet connection. The behaviour is more or less similar if I open video files locally.
          I did some server changes in past months - I will have to go through server config files again to see what may be wrong.

          Thank you for your hints

          • Anonymous

            Anonymous - 2005-09-19

            another thing to look at:
            are you able to play these files local on your mediaplayer?
            what when install the latest xvid/divx codecs on your mediaplayer?

            • kemo

              kemo - 2005-09-19

              After upgrading almost everything it finally works.
              I upgraded php, xvid, quicktime etc. and videos began to work.
              Unfortunatelly I don't know where exactly was the problem so I can't give any clues to anybody else:-(

              • Anonymous

                Anonymous - 2005-09-19

                anyway, thank you for the feedback



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