
Some Directories appear empty

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I had no problem installing Linpha 1.1.1 on my Windows 2003 server. I started to populate the album directory with subdirectories and images and I had no problems. I tested the site for a while, it was a bit sluggish (some images were over 6 megs) but everything worked fine. Then I uploaded two more folders with images, the folders appeared but no images showed up. The directory looks empty. I checked the directory and file permissions and everything is fine, but I still get no thumbnails and no images. I do not get any error messages, so I do not know how to approach this problem. The directory structure is like this:

                Bday-    (Images Appear)
                Family-    (Images Appear)
                Vacation-(No Images)
                Thanksgiving-(No Images)

    Any Ideas, Thanks

    • Mag. Wolfgang Praxl


      There is an admin function "Thumbnails EXIF/IPTC".
      Select Directories "create" and then "Start!" wait and recheck if the images are presented now. Do you upload with the linpha tool? or by simply copy the images in place? (the the database does not know your images. So, you have to start the metioned function.)



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