
LinPHA is slow

  • Nobody/Anonymous


    I'm using LinPHA on windows with Apache2 and Mysql4. I'm using the latest CVS version. I'v tested it with my Photo collection of more than 5000 pictures in more than 50 directories and much more subdirectories. But the problem is, it is damn slow. Most time is used by the mysql-queries. I'v logged the queries linpha sends to the database and found out that the SELECT COUNT(filename) ... for the about 50 directories uses the most time. Wouldn't it be better to save this information in the first_lev_album table?


    • bzrudi

      bzrudi - 2003-12-09

      Hi Reen,

      LinPHA does already make use of indexed tables to speed up some querys. Storing it in the first_level_album itself won't help out to much, as the number of photos depends on the user_level and therefore is calulated on the fly...
      However I will see what I can do, thanks!

      cheers bzrudi

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I suggest that you'll chek your Apache configuration. I reduces the following parameters since my www server won't be such busy:

      # prefork MPM
      StartServers       3
      MinSpareServers    2
      MaxSpareServers    5
      MaxClients         5
      MaxRequestsPerChild 20

      The performances were speed up overwhelming

      • bzrudi

        bzrudi - 2003-12-30


        thanks for the hint!!
        I can't do any testing on the windows platform, so the help of windows user is heavily appreciated!

        cheers bzrudi

    • bzrudi

      bzrudi - 2004-01-14


      I fixed this in CVS. It gave an incredible speedup boost, so stay tuned for the 0.9.2 release or co the CVS...

      cheers bzrudi

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        yeah, i noticed. It's damn fast now.



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