
database connection problem

  • Nobody/Anonymous


    I just installed Linpha but after the fourth step I got a screen with the following message :

    mysql error: [1045: Access denied for user: 'vanessa@localhost' (Using password: YES)] in CONNECT(localhost:3306, '****', '****', fotoalbum)
    Access denied for user: 'vanessa@localhost' (Using password: YES)

    What did I do wrong ?
    When I look in my Cpanel I do'n see any database for Linpha...

    Please help...

    • bzrudi

      bzrudi - 2005-07-07


      in short, try this:

      1. create a new database using your favorite SQL tool (commandline, phpmyadmin, whatever)
      2. create a new user and give the necesarry permissions to the new db.
      3. reinstall linpha and choose the "No, I'm not allowed to create..." way during install and make use of the new user und database.

      cheers bzrudi

    • PaveFE

      PaveFE - 2008-11-30

      Just had the same problem. It was my fault, I created another database for something else and used the same user (note to others, don't do that)

      Step three is to "reinstall linpha". Can I just put the installation folder back in my files and run it? Or do I have to put all new files in there and then put my albums folder back in there? I would hate to lose all the stats (I have over 22,000 photos).



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