
Can't upload pictures

  • Nicholas Plant

    Nicholas Plant - 2009-06-09

    I just downloaded LinPHA and I'm running it on Windows XP with XAMPP. I ran the install and can log in but I don't see any pictures and I can't upload any. The top right of the windows says "photos: calculating..." and that message doesn't change no matter what I do. Why can't I upload pictures? I read that LinPHA works perfectly with XAMPP but it isn't working for me. Where is the option to add pictures?

    • bzrudi

      bzrudi - 2009-06-09


      you don't need to use the integrated upload client. Just put some images in the /albums folder and see if it works.

      cheers bzrudi

    • Nicholas Plant

      Nicholas Plant - 2009-06-09

      I put some images in a folder in the albums folder and I can see them fine, thanks. Now I want to upload images using the integrated upload client. How do I do that?


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