
Images do not display

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  • Pershing

    Pershing - 2006-04-29

    Install went good but images in the album directories don't display.

    • Pershing

      Pershing - 2006-04-30

      All images will display in the FUll Size pop-up window, But none of the thumbnails are working. What is my problem?

    • Pershing

      Pershing - 2006-05-01

      I have made a gallery available to the public to show you what is going on. It can be viewed at

      The only way an image can be viewed is by selecting the full size option.

      When I create or recreate all thumbnails it completes with no errors.

      When I run the benchmark plug-in using either the GD Lib or GD High Quality settings all thumbnails seem to be created ok.

      When I run the create cached images I get this message.
      Error while creating image ../../albums/tpershing/stinky_cheeseman2006/PICT2870.JPG! Return Value: 4
      convert -quality 90 -size "640x480" "..\..\albums\tpershing\stinky_cheeseman2006\PICT2870.JPG"[0] -resize "640x480" +profile "*" -colorspace RGB "..\..\sql\cache\1\1-90-480-640--1.jpg"

      Error: Cannot create image!

      Any ideas would be appreciated.

      • Vytautas Krivickas


        Just a thought, have you checked to see if the sql directory has write permissions set for the webserver.

        Also could you specify which OS your server is running, etc.


        • Anonymous

          Anonymous - 2006-05-01

          disable the image cache plugin


    • Pershing

      Pershing - 2006-05-01

      Disabling the Image Cache plugin did not work.

      ??How would I check to see if my Apache Web Server has write permissions set for the web server?
      I am on Windows XP and manage MySQL with phpMyAdmin.

      • Anonymous

        Anonymous - 2006-05-01

        but i see in that page that the image cache plugin is still active:



    • Pershing

      Pershing - 2006-05-01

      It is off now. I had turned it off ealier and it didn't seam to make a difference.

      • Anonymous

        Anonymous - 2006-05-01

        now you are getting this error message:
        Error while creating image ./albums/tpershing/PICT2870.JPG! Return Value: 4<br />convert -quality 75 -size "120x90" ".\albums\tpershing\PICT2870.JPG"[0] -resize "120x90" +profile "*" -colorspace RGB ".\sql\tmp\PICT2870.JPG_6d0b21e1fd1473dc32d30945bb2b01e4_0.jpg"<br /><pre>./sql/tmp/PICT2870.JPG_6d0b21e1fd1473dc32d30945bb2b01e4_0.jpg</pre>

        make sure your sql/tmp directory is writable for everyone

        if that doesnt help change the value of use_convert in the linpha database table to 0
        to access your database you can use a program like phpmyadmin


    • Pershing

      Pershing - 2006-05-01

      Where do I find use_convert? I have the linpha database open in phpmyadmin now.

      I have changed the security settings in the sql/tmp folder to everyone.

      Still not working.

    • Pershing

      Pershing - 2006-05-01

      I found the use_convert and changed it from 1 to 0 and everthing seems to be working now.

      What did that change????

      • Vytautas Krivickas

        if use_conver is set to 1 then LinPHA tries to use ImageMagick to resize pictures and if its set to 0 then it uses the built PHP GD extensions.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Where did you find the use_convert? I'm having the exact same problem as you did, and have phpMyAdmin, but don't see that or where I can change permissions.
      Any assistance would be great.



      • bzrudi

        bzrudi - 2006-10-06


        use _convert is defined in linpha_config table of your LinPHA DB.

        cheers bzrudi

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Ok, found use_convert, changed it from 1 to 0 and I still don't have thumbnails showing up, just the text "thumbnail"

      Any other ideas?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I didn't have any problems until the latest upgrade. Now, not only can't I see the thumbnails of newly upload photos, when I run statistics, the page takes forever to load. It used to be instant, now it takes 2 minutes.

      • bzrudi

        bzrudi - 2006-10-06


        the statistics performance is a known issue and not so easy to fix, however, regarding the thumbnails it seems to me that you missed something during upgrade.

        cheers bzrudi

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      How do I do this? "make sure your sql/tmp directory is writable for everyone"



      • bzrudi

        bzrudi - 2006-10-06

        Hi Vince,

        before having detailed system/software information we can't and won't help you out. The issue could be caused by a thousand things...

        cheers bzrudi

      • Vytautas Krivickas

        well first off all it depends what sort of OS your server is running

        If it's a *nix style server (linux, unix, etc) then this command would do it: chmod 777 /path/to/linpha/sql/tmp


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I use IPowerWeb for my webhosting and they run:
      OS - FreeBSD 4.11-STABLE
      mysql Ver 12.22 Distrib 4.0.27

      What else do you want to know?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Hi bzrudi,

      That's the first time I've seen an answer to the statistics problem, however, it only started after the latest upgrade.

      As fart as the thumbnail problem, everything was fine with that too, again until the latest upgrade. If I missed something during the upgrade, then it is most likely due to a lack of clear and complete instructions, since I followed them exactly (not to mention the directions do not mention anything about deleting the install folder upon completion).

      I'm not trying to harp on anyone, because this is (was) the best program I found on the net so far for photogalleries. However, some people need to realize that not everyone is a computer expert when it comes to databases, etc. Hopefully, I can get this problem resolved soon.
      Thank you for helping.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Can anyone help me on this? Again, ever since the latest upgrade to 1.2, thumbnails will not display. I upgraded according to the instructions, have tried changing use_convert from 1 to 0.

      Any ideas?


      • bzrudi

        bzrudi - 2006-10-13

        Hi Vince,

        the only change in image creation within the latest 1.2.0 is support for image autorotate by EXIF data. If you are low on PHP memory limit and/or have large files to process it may fail due memory problems. So please try to set "exif_image_autorotate" = "0" in linpha_config table, add some new images and see if it works again...

        cheers bzrudi

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I found "img_rotation" under the config table, but nothing labeled "exif_image_autorotate". It was set at 1 and I changed it to 0, but that didn't seem to help. If the PHP memory limit is low, do I ask my webhost for an increase?

      Thanks for the help.


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