
Nothing visible on index page after install

  • torplarsen

    torplarsen - 2006-03-27

    Trying to get LinPha running on the following configuration:

    Windows XP SP2
    PHP Version 4.4.2
    IIS 5.1
    MySQL 5.0.15-nt via TCP/IP
    LinPHA 1.1.1
    Imagemagick (Not recognised by LinPha yet)

    I finished the installation without errors, but nothing happens when i go to the index page (it´s blank).
    No Tables is created on the MySQL.
    I tried using MySQL Administrator v.1.1.9 to create a new database, and a new user with all Privileges assigned, deleted the db_connect.php several times and tried to reinstall, but with no luck.
    During installation i have to answer 'NO ! I´m going to installe LinPha with limited access...' to get through the installation.
    It seems im almost there, and yet nothing happens.
    My linpha folder in ISS has full rights to scripts. And i have succesfully installed Squirellmail also using PHP.
    Suggestions are very welcome.

    regards TorpLarsen

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2006-03-28

      maybe you have problems with your php mysql extension

      try install phpmyadmin and look if that works


    • torplarsen

      torplarsen - 2006-03-31

      You got me a little closer.
      I have now succesfully installed phpmyadmin.

      linpha succeded in creating the tables on the MySQL, i can see that from phpmyadmin.

      I am now running MySQL 5.0.19-nt, i reinstalled.

      Because of my PHP version i had to reconfigure MySQL to OLD Password.

      However ... My linpha indexpage is still empty.
      I have put som pictures in the album folder, and nothing happens.

      Does anyone have a clue?


      • Anonymous

        Anonymous - 2006-04-02

        what do you exactly mean with "empty"
        do you get a blank page, or does the linpha logo etc. appear but with just no albums?

        maybe there are some errors you dont see
        i would suggest to set the "error_reporting  =  E_ALL" in your php.ini


    • torplarsen

      torplarsen - 2006-04-03

      Hi again
      Empty as in Blank, no linpha logo, no nothing.
      My php.ini is set to error_reporting = E_ALL

      Maybe you can se something wrong in my settings?


      • Anonymous

        Anonymous - 2006-04-03

        okay i've checked your site

        check your header.php in line 27 and change it to:
        if not already

        i think you have still the problem with the OLD_PASSWORD

        i'm getting this error while accessing a specific site on your page:
        mysql error: [1251: Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client] in CONNECT(localhost:3306, '****', '****', db)
        Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client

        which normally results in the OLD_PASSWORD



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