
session_save_path - and I still get the error

  • Nobody/Anonymous


    I really hope someone can help me. Pretty soon I pull my hair out.

    When I try to install Linpha 1.1.1 I see the following error/warning message
    'NO value found for session_save_path."

    But I do not understand why because I have the following entry in the php.ini file:

    session_save_path = C:\TEMP

    I tried several diffrent formats but I always receive this message.

    I run Windows 2003 Server, PHP 4.3.1 and of course Apache.

    Any help is very appriciated.

    Thanks Marcus

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2006-08-23

      do you have restarted apache after changing the php.ini?


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Yes I did ...several times.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Ha, I found the error.

      The settings is called session.save_path and not session_save_path. After I made the change in the PHP.INI Linpha is not reporting anymore that the session.save_path is not set.


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